Axis acted on:
Available on:
Double buffered:
Enable automatic motor shutdown
45 (hex)
current axis
all axes
SET_AUTO_STOP_ON enables automatic motor shutdown upon
motion error. In this mode the motor will be disabled (equivalent to
MTR_OFF cmd) when a motion error occurs (see SET_POS_ERR
cmd). The motor output can be re-enabled using the MTR_ON cmd.
Axis acted on:
Available on:
Double buffered:
Disables automatic motor shutdown
44 (hex)
current axis
all axes
SET_AUTO_STOP_OFF disables the automatic motor shutdown upon
motion error mode. In this mode the motor will not be disabled when a
motion error occurs.
Parameter Update
Axis acted on:
Available on:
Double buffered:
Set break point mode to time based
17 (hex)
current axis
all axes
SET_TIME_BRK sets the current breakpoint mode to time based. In
this mode the value loaded into the breakpoint register (SET_BRK_PNT
cmd) will represent the number of sample loops since chip set power
loop the break point value will be compared against the current chip set
time. If the values are equal all profile and filter parameters will be
loaded in to the active registers. See GET_TIME cmd for information on
the chip set time. After this breakpoint condition has been satisfied, the
breakpoint mode is reset i.e. no additional breakpoints will occur until a
new breakpoint condition is set.
Set break point mode to positive target
position based
18 (hex)
current axis
all axes
Axis acted on:
Available on:
Double buffered:
SET_POS_BRK sets the current breakpoint mode to positive target
position based. In this mode the value loaded into the breakpoint
register (SET_BRK_PNT cmd) will represent the axis position in counts.
After the SET_POS_BRK command is executed, at each servo loop the
break point value will be compared against the current axis target
position. If the target position has a value equal to or greater than the
breakpoint register then all profile and all filter parameters will be
loaded in to the active registers. After this breakpoint condition has
been satisfied, the breakpoint mode is reset i.e. no additional
breakpoints will occur until a new breakpoint condition is set.
Set break point mode to negative target
position based
19 (hex)
current axis
all axes
Axis acted on:
Available on:
Double buffered:
SET_NEG_BRK sets the current breakpoint mode to negative target
position based. In this mode the value loaded into the breakpoint
register (SET_BRK_PNT cmd) will represent the axis position in counts
After the SET_NEG_BRK command is executed, at each servo loop the
break point value will be compared against the current axis target
position. If the target position has a value equal to or less than the
breakpoint register then all profile and all filter parameters will be
loaded into the active registers. After this breakpoint condition has been
satisfied, the breakpoint mode is reset i.e. no additional breakpoints will
occur until a new breakpoint condition is set.
Set break point mode to positive actual
position based
1b (hex)
current axis
all axes
Axis acted on:
Available on:
Double buffered:
SET_ACTL_POS_BRK sets the current breakpoint mode to positive
actual position based. In this mode the value loaded into the breakpoint
register (SET_BRK_PNT cmd) will represent the axis position in counts.
After the SET_ACTL_POS_BRK command is executed, at each servo
loop the break point value will be compared against the current axis
actual position. If the actual position has a value equal to or greater
than the breakpoint register then all profile and all filter parameters will
be loaded in to the active registers. After this breakpoint condition has
been satisfied, the breakpoint mode is reset i.e. no additional
breakpoints will occur until a new breakpoint condition is set..