The waveformis centered around a value of 0 volts. The magnitude of
the generated waveformis proportional to either the output of the servo
filter or the motor command register (depending on the commutation
mode and motor on/off status).
For example if the chipset is connected to a DAC with output range of -
10 Volts to + 10 Volts and the chipset is set to open loop mode with a
motor command value of 32,767 (which is the maximumallowed value)
than as the motor rotates through a full electrical cycle, a sinusoidal
waveformcentered at 0 volts will be output with a mnimumvoltage of -
10, and a maximumvoltage of +10.
DAC16 Decoding
The digital values output by the chipset to the DAC encode the desired
voltages as a 16-bit digital word. The mnimumvoltage is output as a
digital word value of 0, a voltage of 0 Volts is output as a digital word of
32,768 (dec.), and the maximumpositive voltage is output as a digital
word value of 65,535.
To load each of the four (MC1231A) or two (MC1131A) DACs, the DAC
control pins in combination with the chipset's 16-bit data bus are used.
To load a particular DAC, The DAC address (1 of 4) is output on the
signals DAC16Addr0-1, the 16 bits of DAC data are output on pins
Data0-11 (high 12 bits), as well as DACLow0-3 (low 4 bits), I/OAddr0-3
and DACSlct are high, and I/OWrite is low.
For more information on the DAC signal timng & conditions, see the
Pin Descriptions and timng diagrams section of this manual.
DACs with lower resolution than 16 bits can also be used. To connect
to a DAC with less resolution, the high order bits of the 16-bit data word
should be used. For example, to connect to an 8-bit DAC, bits Data4-
Data11 should be used. The low order 8 bits are written to by the
chipset, but ignored by the DAC circuitry.
The PWMoutput mode also outputs a sinusoidal desired voltage
waveformfor each phase, however the method by which these signals
encode the voltage differ substantially fromthe DAC16 digital word.
The PWMoutput mode uses a single signal per output motor phase.
This signal contains a pulse-width encoded representation of the
desired voltage. In this encoding the duty cycle of the waveform
determnes the desired voltage. The PWMcycle has a frequency of
24.5 kHz, with a resolution of 10 bits, or 1/1,024.
The following chart shows the encoding.
(max. neg.
(max. pos.
(0 value)
An output pulse width of 0 parts per 1,024 represents the maximum
negative voltage, an output pulse width of 512 per 1,024 (50 %)
represents a voltage of 0, and a pulse width of 1,024 per 1,024
represents the maximumpositive voltage.
This PWMscheme has been chosen to allow convenient interfacing to
half bridge type amplifiers by connecting the PWMoutput to a level
shifter circuit , and using this output to drive the high and low side
drivers of the bridge.