MB90350E Series
Sub clock pin (X0A, X1A)
Yes (using the external oscillation) : devices without S-suffix
No (using the sub clock mode at internal CR oscillation) : devices with S-suffix
Timebase timer, watch timer, watchdog timer : 1 channel
8/16-bit PPG timer : 8-bit
10 channels or 16-bit
6 channels
16-bit reload timer : 2 channels (only Evaluation products has 4 channels)
16- bit input/output timer
- 16-bit free-run timer : 2 channels (FRT0 : ICU0/1, FRT1 : ICU4/5/6/7, OCU4/5/6/7)
- 16- bit input capture: (ICU) : 6 channels
- 16-bit output compare : (OCU) : 4 channels
FULL-CAN interface : 1 channel
Compliant with CAN standard Version2.0 Part A and Part B
16 message buffers are built-in
CAN wake-up function
UART (LIN/SCI) : 2 channels
Equipped with full-duplex double buffer
Clock-asynchronous or clock-synchronous serial transmission is available.
C interface*
: 1 channel
Up to 400 kbps transfer rate
DTP/External interrupt : 8 channels, CAN wakeup : 1 channel
Module for activation of extended intelligent I/O service (EI
OS), DMA, and generation of external interrupt by
external input.
Delay interrupt generator module
Generates interrupt request for task switching.
8/10-bit A/D converter : 15 channels
Resolution is selectable between 8-bit and 10-bit.
Activation by external trigger input is allowed.
Conversion time : 3
s (at 24-MHz machine clock, including sampling time)
Program patch function
Address matching detection for 6 address pointers.
Capable of changing input voltage level for port
Automotive/CMOS-Schmitt (initial level is Automotive in single chip mode)
TTL level (corresponds to external bus pins only, initial level of these pins is TTL in external bus mode)
Low voltage/CPU operation detection reset (devices with T-suffix)
Detects low voltage (4.0 V
0.3 V) and resets automatically
Resets automatically when program is runaway and counter is not cleared within interval time
(approx. 262 ms : external 4 MHz)
Dual operation Flash memory
Erase/write and read can be executed in the different bank (Upper Bank/Lower Bank) at the same time.
Supported T
The maximum operating frequency is 24 MHz*
: (at T
C) .