Jan 25, 2008
3803 Group (Spec.L)
A/D CONVERTER (successive approximation type)
[AD Conversion Register 1, 2 (AD1, AD2)] 003516,
The AD conversion register is a read-only register that stores the
result of an A/D conversion. When reading this register during an
A/D conversion, the previous conversion result is read.
Bit 7 of the AD conversion register 2 is the conversion mode
selection bit. When this bit is set to “0”, the A/D converter
becomes the 10-bit A/D mode. When this bit is set to “1”, that
becomes the 8-bit A/D mode. The conversion result of the 8-bit
A/D mode is stored in the AD conversion register 1. As for 10-bit
A/D mode, not only 10-bit reading but also only high-order 8-bit
reading of conversion result can be performed by selecting the
reading procedure of the AD conversion registers 1, 2 after A/D
As for 10-bit A/D mode, the 8-bit reading inclined to MSB is
performed when reading the AD converter register 1 after A/D
conversion is started; and when the AD converter register 1 is
read after reading the AD converter register 2, the 8-bit reading
inclined to LSB is performed.
[AD/DA Control Register (ADCON)] 003416
The AD/DA control register controls the A/D conversion
process. Bits 0 to 2 and bit 4 select a specific analog input pin.
Bit 3 signals the completion of an A/D conversion. The value of
this bit remains at “0” during an A/D conversion, and changes to
“1” when an A/D conversion ends. Writing “0” to this bit starts
the A/D conversion.
Comparison Voltage Generator
The comparison voltage generator divides the voltage between
AVSS and VREF into 1024, and that outputs the comparison
voltage in the 10-bit A/D mode (256 division in 8-bit A/D mode).
The A/D converter successively compares the comparison
voltage Vref in each mode, dividing the VREF voltage (see
below), with the input voltage.
10-bit A/D mode (10-bit reading)
Vref =
× n (n = 0
10-bit A/D mode (8-bit reading)
Vref =
× n (n = 0
8-bit A/D mode
Vref =
× (n
0.5) (n = 1 255)
(n = 0)
Channel Selector
The channel selector selects one of ports P67/AN7 to P60/AN0 or
P07/AN15 to P00/AN8, and inputs the voltage to the comparator.
Comparator and Control Circuit
The comparator and control circuit compares an analog input
voltage with the comparison voltage, and then stores the result in
the AD conversion registers 1, 2. When an A/D conversion is
completed, the control circuit sets the AD conversion completion
bit and the AD interrupt request bit to “1”.
Note that because the comparator consists of a capacitor
coupling, set f(XIN) to 500 kHz or more during an A/D
Fig 53. Structure of AD/DA control register
Fig 54. Structure of 10-bit A/D mode reading
AD/DA control register
(ADCON : address 003416)
Analog input pin selection bits 1
0 0 0: P60/AN0or P00/AN8
0 0 1: P61/AN1or P01/AN9
0 1 0: P62/AN2or P02/AN10
0 1 1: P63/AN3or P03/AN11
1 0 0: P64/AN4or P04/AN12
1 0 1: P65/AN5or P05/AN13
1 1 0: P66/AN6or P06/AN14
1 1 1: P67/AN7or P07/AN15
AD conversion completion bit
0: Conversion in progress
1: Conversion completed
Analog input pin selection bit 2
0: AN0 to AN7 side
1: AN8 to AN15 side
Not used (returns “0” when read)
DA1 output enable bit
0: DA1 output disabled
1: DA1 output enabled
DA2 output enable bit
0: DA2 output disabled
1: DA2 output enabled
b2 b1 b0
10-bit reading
(Read address 003816 before 003516)
AD conversion register 2
(AD2: address 003816)
AD conversion register 1
(AD1: address 003516)
Note : Bits 2 to 6 of address 003816 become “0” at reading.
8-bit reading
(Read only address 003516)
AD conversion register 1
(AD1: address 003516)
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2
b9 b8
b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0