The 7643 group is the 8-bit microcomputer based on the 7600 series
core (740 family core compatible) technology.
The 7643 group is designed for PC peripheral devices, including the
USB, DMAC, Serial I/O, UART, Timer and so on.
<Microcomputer mode)
qBasic machine-language instructions ....................................... 71
qMinimum instruction execution time ..................................... 83 ns
(at 24 MHz oscillation frequency)
qMemory size
ROM ............................................................................. 32 Kbytes
RAM ................................................................................ 1 Kbytes
qProgrammable input/output ports ............................................. 66
qSoftware pull-up resistors .................................................. Built-in
qInterrupts ................................................... 14 sources, 14 vectors
(external 3 including Key input, internal 10, software 1)
qUSB function control unit
Transceiver ............................... Full-Speed USB2.0 specification
qTimers .................................................... 8-bit 3 (Timers 1, 2, 3)
qSerial Interface
Serial I/O ......................................................................... 8-bit 1
UART .............................................................................. 8-bit 1
qDMAC .......................................................................... 2 channels
qClock generating circuit ..................................................... Built-in
(connect to external ceramic resonator or quartz-crystal oscillator)
qPower source voltage
At 24 MHz oscillation frequency,
φ = 12 MHz ......... 4.15 to 5.25 V
At 24 MHz oscillation frequency,
φ = 6 MHz ........... 3.00 to 3.60 V
qOperating temperature range .................................... –20 to 70°C
FP ................................................ PRQP0080GB-A (80-pin QFP)
HP ............................................... PLQP0080KB-A (80-pin LQFP)
<Flash memory mode>
qPower source voltage
At 24 MHz oscillation frequency,
φ = 12 MHz ......... 4.15 to 5.25 V
At 24 MHz oscillation frequency,
φ = 6 MHz ........... 3.00 to 3.60 V
qProgram/Erase voltage
.................................. VCC = 4.50 V to 5.25 V, or 3.00 V to 3.60 V
.................................................................. VPP = 4.50 V to 5.25 V
At 24 MHz oscillation frequency,
φ = 6 MHz (See Table 20.)
qMemory size
Flash ROM .................................................................... 32 Kbytes
RAM ............................................................................. 2.5 Kbytes
qFlash memory mode ....................................................... 3 modes
Parallel I/O mode
Standard serial I/O mode
CPU rewrite mode
qProgramming method ....................... Programming in unit of byte
qErasing method
Batch erasing
Block erasing
qProgram/Erase control by software command
qCommand number ................................................... 6 commands
qNumber of times for programming/erasing ............................. 100
qROM code protection
Available in parallel I/O mode and standard serial I/O mode
qOperating temperature range (at programming/erasing) ..............
...................................................................... Normal temperature
Audio, musical instrument, printer, scanner, modem, other PC pe-
ripheral devices
1. The specifications of this product are subject to change be-
cause it is under development. Inquire the use of Renesas
Technology Corporation.
2. The flash memory version cannot be used for application em-
bedded in the MCU card.
Aug 28, 2006
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7643 Group
Aug 28, 2006