7470/7471/7477/7478 GROUP USER’S MANUAL
1.12 Timers
(4) External pulse width measurement mode
The external pulse width measurement mode is used to measure a pulse width (“H” or “L”) input from
the CNTR0 or CNTR1 pin.
The operations in the external pulse width measuring mode are described below.
1 Start of count operation
After the count stop bit is cleared to “0,” a count operation starts. Each time a count source is
input, the contents of the timer are decremented by 1.
Note: Because the count stop bit is “0” immediately after reset release, the count operation is
automatically started after reset release but the count source is not a CNTR pin input.
At this time, the external pulse width measurement mode is not provided.
2 Reload operation
When the timer overflows, the value resulting from decrementing 1 from the contents of the timer
latch is transferred (reloaded) to the timer.
3 External pulse width measurement mode
q The “H” or “L” level of a pulse can be selected as a pulse measuring period by the Edge polarity
selection register.
q The difference between the initial value of the timer and the counter value at a count stop
becomes a measured pulse width.
q A reload operation by reading the count value is not performed automatically. To perform
measurement continuously, re-set the initial value by software.
4 Interrupt operation
2Timer interrupt
When the timer overflows, an interrupt request occurs, so that the interrupt request bit is set to
“1.” The acceptance of interrupt is controlled by the interrupt enable bit of each timer.
2CNTR interrupt
An interrupt request is generated from the edge of the pulse input from the CNTR0 pin or the
CNTR1 pin, so that the interrupt request bit is set to “1.” Interrupt acceptance is controlled by
the interrupt enable bit.
The pulse active edge and the CNTR0/CNTR1 interrupt are selected by the Edge polarity selection
5 Stop of count operation
The count operation terminates at the falling edge (at “H” level pulse width measurement) or the
falling edge (“L” level pulse width measurement) of the CNTR pin input. This operation is also
terminated by setting "1" in the count stop bit by software.
Figure 1.12.6 shows an example of the operation of the external pulse width measurement mode.