7470/7471/7477/7478 GROUP USER’S MANUAL
1.13 Serial I/O
2 Communication format
The half-duplex data communication or the full-duplex data communication are available for
2 Synchronous clock
The following can be selected as a synchronous clock by bit 1 of the Serial I/O control register
(SIOCON: address 00E216).
q “0” : Baud rate generator (BRG) output divided by 4
q “1” : External clock input from the SCLK pin
The BRG output is set by the baud rate generator (BRG: address 00E416), which is an 8-bit
counter dedicated to the Serial I/O. As an input clock to the BRG, f(XIN)/4 (at “0”), f(XIN)/16 (at
“1”) can be selected by bit 0 of the Serial I/O control register. In the 7478 Group, f(XCIN)/4 (at “0”),
f(XCIN)/16 (at “1”) can be also selected.
Notes on external clock selection
q When setting the transmit enable bit to “1” or writing data into the Transmit buffer register,
perform a write operation while the synchronous clock is at “H.”
q The shift operation of the Transmit shift register or the Receive shift register is continued while
the synchronous clock is input to the Serial I/O circuit. When the external clock is selected, stop
the synchronous clock at the end of 8 cycles. (When the internal clock is selected, the synchronous
clock stops automatically at the end of 8 cycles.)
q Set the “H” and “L” widths (TWH, TWL) of the pulse used as the external clock source to TWH,
TWL [s]
> 8/(system clock [Hz]). For example, when a system clock is 8 MHz, use a clock of
500 kHz or less (duty ratio 50 %).
2 Shift clock
Usually, when a clock synchronous transfer is performed between 2 microcomputers, one microcomputer
selects the internal clock and outputs the 8 shift clock pulses generated by a start of transmit
operation from the P16/SCLK pin. The other microcomputer selects the external clock and uses the
clock input from the P16/SCLK pin as a synchronous clock.
2 Data transfer rate (baud rate)
In the clock synchronous Serial I/O, the expression for calculating a data transfer rate (baud rate),
which is the frequency of the synchronous clock is shown below.
q When the internal clock is selected (using the BRG)
Baud rate [bps] =
V1 Division ratio : Select “4” or “16” by the BRG count source selection bit.
V2 BRG set value : 0 – 255 (0016 – FF16)
V3 In the 7478 Group, f(XCIN) can be also used.
q When the external clock is selected
Baud rate [bps] = Input clock frequency to SCLK pin
The BRG is an 8-bit counter dedicated to the Serial I/O, having a reload register, and divides the
count source by (n + 1) by setting the value n. As a count source, f(XIN)/4 (at “0”), f(XIN)/16 or (at
“1”) can be selected by bit 0 of the Serial I/O control register.
In the 7478 Group, f(XCIN)/4 (at “0”), f(XCIN)/16 (at “1”) can be also selected.
Division ratio
V1 ! (BRG set valueV
+ 1) ! 4