Rev. 1.0
This microcomputer is equipped with two 14-bit PWMs (DA1, DA2)
and six 8-bit PWMs (PWM0–PWM5). DA1 and DA2 have a 14-bit
resolution with the minimum resolution bit width of 0.25
s and a
repeat period of 4096
s (for f(XIN) = 8 MHz). PWM0–PWM5 have
the same circuit structure and an 8-bit resolution with minimum reso-
lution bit width of 4
s and repeat period of 1024 s (for f(XIN) = 8
Figure 8.7.1 shows the PWM block diagram. The PWM timing gen-
erating circuit applies individual control signals to DA1, DA2 and
PWM0–PWM5 using f(XIN) divided by 2 as a reference signal.
8.7.1 Data Setting
When outputting DA1, first set the high-order 8 bits to the DA1-H
register (address 00CE16), then the low-order 6 bits to the DA1-L
register (address 00CF16). When outputting DA1, first set the high-
order 8 bits to the DA2-H register (address 024E16), then the low-
order 6 bits to the DA2-L register (address 024F16). When outputting
PWM0–PWM5, set 8-bit output data to the PWMi register (i means 0
to 5; addresses 00D016 to 00D416, 00F616).
8.7.2 Transferring Data from Registers to PWM
Data transfer from the 8-bit PWM register to the 8-bit PWM circuit is
executed at writing data to the register.
The signal output from the 8-bit PWM output pin corresponds to the
contents of this register.
Also, data transfer from the DA1 register (addresses 00CE16 and
00CF16) to the 14-bit PWM circuit is executed at writing data to the
DA1-L register (address 00CF16). Reading from the DA1-H register
(address 00CE16) means reading this transferred data. Data trans-
fer from the DA2 register (addresses 024E16 and 024F16) to the 14-
bit PWM circuit is executed at writing data to the DA2-L register (ad-
dress 024F16). Reading from the DA2-H register (address 024E16)
means reading this transferred data. Accordingly, it is possible to
confirm the data being output from the DAi (i = 1, 2) output pin by
reading the DAi (i = 1, 2) register.
8.7.3 Operating of 8-bit PWM
The following explains PWM operation.
First, set the bit 0 of PWM output control register 1 (address 00D516)
to “0” (at reset, bit 0 is already set to “0” automatically), so that the
PWM count source is supplied.
PWM0–PWM5 are also used as pins P00–P05, respectively. For
PWM0–PWM5, set the corresponding bits of the ports P0 direction
register to “1” (output mode). And select each output polarity by bit 3
of PWM output control register 2 (address 00D616). Then, set bits 2
to 7 of PWM output control register 1 to “1” (PWM output).
The PWM waveform is output from the PWM output pins by setting
these registers.
Figure 8.7.2 shows the 8-bit PWM timing. One cycle (T) is com-
posed of 256 (28) segments. The 8 kinds of pulses, relative to the
weight of each bit (bits 0 to 7), are output inside the circuit during 1
cycle. Refer to Figure 8.7.2 (a). The 8-bit PWM outputs waveform
which is the logical sum (OR) of pulses corresponding to the con-
tents of bits 0 to 7 of the 8-bit PWM register. Several examples are
shown in Figure 8.7.2 (b). 256 kinds of output (HIGH area: 0/256 to
255/256) are selected by changing the contents of the PWM register.
A length of entirely HIGH output cannot be output, i.e. 256/256.
8.7.4 Operating of 14-bit PWM
For DA1, as with 8-bit PWM, set the bit 0 of PWM output control
register 1 (address 00D516) to “0” (at reset, bit 0 is already set to “0”
automatically), so that the PWM count source is supplied. Next, se-
lect the output polarity by bit 2 of PWM output control register 2 (ad-
dress 00D616). Then, the 14-bit PWM outputs from the DA1 output
pin by setting bit 1 of PWM output control register 1 to “0” (at reset,
this bit already set to “0” automatically) to select the DA1 output.
For DA2 as with DA1, set the bit 0 of PWM output control register 1
(address 00D516) to “0” (at reset, bit 0 is already set to “0” automati-
cally), so that PWM count source is supplied. Next, select the output
polarity by bit 4 of PWM output control register 2 (address 00D616).
Then, the 14-bit PWM outputs from the DA2 output pin by setting
bit 5 of PWM output control register 1 to “0” (at reset, this bit already
set to “0” automatically) to select the DA2 output.
The output example of the 14-bit PWM is shown in Figure 8.7.3.
The 14-bit PWM divides the data of the DAi latch (i = 1, 2) into the
low-order 6 bits and the high-order 8 bits.
The fundamental waveform is determined with the high-order 8-bit
data “DH.” A HIGH area with a length t DH (HIGH area of funda-
mental waveform) is output every short area of “t” = 256
τ =
s (τ is the minimum resolution bit width of 250 ns). The HIGH
level area increase interval (tm) is determined with the low-order 6-bit
data “DL.” The HIGH are of smaller intervals “tm” shown in Table 5 is
longer by t than that of other smaller intervals in PWM repeat period
“T” = 64t. Thus, a rectangular waveform with the different HIGH width
is output from the DAi pins (i = 1, 2). Accordingly, the PWM output
changes by
τ unit pulse width by changing the contents of the DAi-H
and DAi-L registers (i = 1, 2). A length of entirely HIGH cannot be
output, i. e. 256/256.
8.7.5 Output after Reset
At reset, the output of ports P00–P05 and P17 are in the high-imped-
ance state, and the contents of the PWM register and the PWM
circuit are undefined. Note that after reset, the PWM output is unde-
fined until setting the PWM register.
Table 8.7.1 Relation Between the Low-order 6-bit Data and High-
level Area Increase Interval
Area Longer by
τ than That of Other tm (m = 0 to 63)
m = 32
m = 16, 48
m = 8, 24, 40, 56
m = 4, 12, 20, 28, 36, 44, 52, 60
m = 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38, 42, 46, 50, 54, 58, 62
m = 1, 3, 5, 7, ................................. 57, 59, 61, 63
Low-order 6 bits of Data
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0