10.8 TOU (Output-Related 24-Bit Timer)
32180 Group User’s Manual (Rev.1.0)
(1) POnLVSEL (Output Disable Level Select) bit (Bit 14)
This bit specifies the level (high or low) at which port output is to be disabled. Set this bit to "0" to disable port
output when its level is low, or "1" to disable port output when its level is high.
The following shows the conditions under which port output is turned off depending on the port’s output state.
1) PO0LVSEL = 0
If any one of the following conditions hold true, P160/TO21–P165/TO26 outputs (TOU0_0–TOU0_5
output pins) are disabled.
P160/TO21 (TOU0_0 output pin) output and P161/TO22 (TOU0_1 output pin) output both are at the low level
P162/TO23 (TOU0_2 output pin) output and P163/TO24 (TOU0_3 output pin) output both are at the low level
P164/TO25 (TOU0_4 output pin) output and P165/TO26 (TOU0_5 output pin) output both are at the low level
2) PO0LVSEL = 1
If any one of the following conditions hold true, P160/TO21–P165/TO26 outputs (TOU0_0–TOU0_5
output pins) are disabled.
P160/TO21 (TOU0_0 output pin) output and P161/TO22 (TOU0_1 output pin) output both are at the high level
P162/TO23 (TOU0_2 output pin) output and P163/TO24 (TOU0_3 output pin) output both are at the high level
P164/TO25 (TOU0_4 output pin) output and P165/TO26 (TOU0_5 output pin) output both are at the high level
3) PO1LVSEL = 0
If any one of the following conditions hold true, P180/TO29–P185/TO34 outputs (TOU1_0–TOU1_5
output pins) are disabled.
P180/TO29 (TOU1_0 output pin) output and P181/TO30 (TOU1_1 output pin) output both are at the low level
P182/TO31 (TOU1_2 output pin) output and P183/TO32 (TOU1_3 output pin) output both are at the low level
P184/TO33 (TOU1_4 output pin) output and P185/TO34 (TOU1_5 output pin) output both are at the low level
4) PO1LVSEL = 1
If any one of the following conditions hold true, P180/TO29–P185/TO34 outputs (TOU1_0–TOU1_5
output pins) are disabled.
P180/TO29 (TOU1_0 output pin) output and P181/TO30 (TOU1_1 output pin) output both are at the high level
P182/TO31 (TOU1_2 output pin) output and P183/TO32 (TOU1_3 output pin) output both are at the high level
P184/TO33 (TOU1_4 output pin) output and P185/TO34 (TOU1_5 output pin) output both are at the high level
5) PO2LVSEL = 0
If any one of the following conditions hold true, P210/TO37–P215/TO42 outputs (TOU2_0–TOU2_5
output pins) are disabled.
P210/TO37 (TOU2_0 output pin) output and P211/TO38 (TOU2_1 output pin) output both are at the low level
P212/TO39 (TOU2_2 output pin) output and P213/TO40 (TOU2_3 output pin) output both are at the low level
P214/TO41 (TOU2_4 output pin) output and P215/TO42 (TOU2_5 output pin) output both are at the low level
6) PO2LVSEL = 1
If any one of the following conditions hold true, P210/TO37–P215/TO42 outputs (TOU2_0–TOU2_5
output pins) are disabled.
P210/TO37 (TOU2_0 output pin) output and P211/TO38 (TOU2_1 output pin) output both are at the high level
P212/TO39 (TOU2_2 output pin) output and P213/TO40 (TOU2_3 output pin) output both are at the high level
P214/TO41 (TOU2_4 output pin) output and P215/TO42 (TOU2_5 output pin) output both are at the high level
(2) POnLVEN (Output Disable Level Enable/Disable Select) bit (Bit 15)
This bit enables or disables the output disable level that was selected with the POnLVSEL bit. Setting this bit
to "1" enables the output disable level selected with the POnLVSEL bit; setting this bit to "0" disables the
output disable level selected with the POnLVSEL bit.