Rev. 1.0
Figure 2.11.27 hows the functional block diagram for I2C mode. Setting “1” in the I2C mode selection
bit (IICM) causes ports P70, P71, and P72 to work as data transmission-reception terminal SDA, clock
input-output terminal SCL, and port P72 respectively. A delay circuit is added to the SDA transmission
output, so the SDA output changes after SCL fully goes to “L”. Can select analog delay or digital delay
by SDA digital delay selection bit (7 bit of address 037716). When select digital delay, can select delay
to 2 cycle to 8 cycle of f1 by UART2 special mode register 3 (address 037516) . Functions changed by
I2C mode selection bit 2 is shown in below.
Table 2.11.10 Delay circuit selection condition
When select digital delay, analog delay is not added.
Only digital delay.
When select DL="000" , analog delay is chosen
regardless of the value of SDDS.
When SDDS="0" , DL is initialized and DL="000".
Delay circuit is not selected when IICM="0".
But, must set SDDS="0" when IICM="0".
Register value
Digital delay selection
Analog delay selection
No delay
An attempt to read Port P71 (SCL) results in getting the terminal’s level regardless of the content of the
port direction register. The initial value of SDA transmission output in this mode goes to the value set
in port P70. The interrupt factors of the bus collision detection interrupt, UART2 transmission interrupt,
and of UART2 reception interrupt turn to the start/stop condition detection interrupt, acknowledgment
non-detection interrupt, and acknowledgment detection interrupt respectively.
The start condition detection interrupt refers to the interrupt that occurs when the falling edge of the
SDA terminal (P70) is detected with the SCL terminal (P71) staying “H”. The stop condition detection
interrupt refers to the interrupt that occurs when the rising edge of the SDA terminal (P70) is detected
with the SCL terminal (P71) staying “H”. The bus busy flag (bit 2 of the UART2 special mode register)
is set to “1” by the start condition detection, and set to “0” by the stop condition detection.
The acknowledgment non-detection interrupt refers to the interrupt that occurs when the SDA terminal
level is detected still staying “H” at the rising edge of the 9th transmission clock. The acknowledgment
detection interrupt refers to the interrupt that occurs when SDA terminal’s level is detected already
went to “L” at the 9th transmission clock. Also, assigning 1101(UART2 reception) to the DMA1 request
factor select bits provides the means to start up the DMA transfer by the effect of acknowledgment
Bit 1 of the UART2 special mode register (037716) is used as the arbitration loss detecting flag control
bit. Arbitration means the act of detecting the nonconformity between transmission data and SDA
terminal data at the timing of the SCL rising edge. This detecting flag is located at bit 11 of the UART2
reception buffer register (037F16, 037E16), and “1” is set in this flag when nonconformity is detected.
Use the arbitration lost detecting flag control bit to choose which way to use to update the flag, bit by
bit or byte by byte. When setting this bit to “1” and updated the flag byte by byte if nonconformity is
detected, the arbitration lost detecting flag is set to “1” at the falling edge of the 9th transmission clock.
If update the flag byte by byte, must judge and clear (“0”) the arbitration lost detecting flag after com-
pleting the first byte acknowledge detect and before starting the next one byte transmission.
Bit 3 of the UART2 special mode register is used as SCL- and L-synchronous output enable bit.
Setting this bit to “1” goes the P71 data register to “0” in synchronization with the SCL terminal level
going to “L”.