GND (Bank 1, Pin L7): Power and Signal Ground Return.
BAT (Bank 2): Battery Charge Current Output Bus. The
charge function operates to achieve the final float voltage
cycle when the voltage at the ADJ pin falls 2.5% below
the float voltage. Once the charge cycle is terminated, the
input bias current of the BAT pin is reduced to minimize
battery discharge while the charger remains connected.
VINA (Bank 3): Anode of input reverse protection Schottky
diode. Connect the input power here if input reverse volt-
age protection is desired.
VIN (Bank 4): Charger Input Supply. Decouple with at least
4.7F to GND. Connect the input power here if no input
reverse voltage protection is needed.
BIAS (Pin G7): The BIAS pin connects to the internal
power bus. In most cases connect to VBAT. If this is not
desirable, connect to a power source greater than 2.8V
and less than 10V.
CHRG (Pin K7): Open-Collector Charger Status Output;
typically pulled up through a resistor to a reference
voltage. This status pin can be pulled up to voltages as
high as VIN and can sink currents up to 10mA. During
a battery charging cycle, CHRG is pulled low. When the
charge current falls below C/10, the CHRG pin becomes
high impedance. If the internal timer is used for termina-
tion, the pin stays low during the charging cycle until the
charge current drops below a C/10 rate, approximately
200mA, even though the charger will continue to top off
the battery until the end-of-charge timer terminates the
charge cycle. A temperature fault also causes this pin to
be pulled low (see the Applications Information section).
NTC (Pin H6): Battery Temperature Monitor Pin. This pin
is the input to the NTC (negative temperature coefficient)
enabled by connecting a 10kΩ, B = 3380 NTC thermistor
from the NTC pin to ground. The pin sources 50μA, and
voltage on this pin is above 1.36V (T < 0°C) or below 0.29V
(T > 40°C), charging is disabled and the CHRG and FAULT
pins are both pulled low. If the internal timer termination is
being used, the timer is paused, suspending the charging
cycle. Charging resumes when the voltage on NTC returns
function remains enabled while thermistor resistance to
ground is less than 250kΩ. If this function is not desired,
leave the NTC pin unconnected.
ADJ (Pin H7): Battery Float Voltage Feedback Input. The
charge function operates to achieve a final float voltage of
is programmed using a resistor divider. VBAT(FLT) can be
programmed up to 14.4V. The auto-restart feature initi-
ates a new charging cycle when the voltage at the ADJ
pin falls 2.5% below the float voltage reference. The ADJ
pin input bias current is 110nA. Using a resistor divider
with an equivalent input resistance at the ADJ pin of 250k
values to program desired VBAT(FLT) follow the equations:
VBAT(FLT) 2.5 105
R1 2.5 105
(2.5 105)
R1 is connected from BAT to ADJ, and R2 is connected
from ADJ to ground.
FAULT (Pin J7): Open-Collector Fault Status Output; typi-
cally pulled up through a resistor to a reference voltage.
This status pin can be pulled up to voltages as high as
VIN and can sink currents up to 10mA. This pin indicates
charge cycle fault conditions during a battery charging
cycle. A temperature fault causes this pin to be pulled
low. If the internal timer is used for termination, a bad bat-
tery fault also causes this pin to be pulled low. If no fault
conditions exist, the FAULT pin remains high impedance
(see the Applications Information section).
TMR (Pin J6): End-Of-Cycle Timer Programming Pin.
If a timer-based charge termination is desired, connect
a capacitor from this pin to ground. Full charge end-of
cycle time (in hours) is programmed with this capacitor
following the equation:
tEOC = CTIMER 4.4 106
A bad battery fault is generated if the battery does not
of tEOC, or:
tPRE = CTIMER 5.5 105