PGND (Pin 1):
The power ground pin carries the GATE
node discharge current. This is typically a current spike of
several hundred mA with a duration of tens of nanosec-
onds. It should be connected directly to a good quality
ground plane.
(Pin 2):
Pin to measure switch current with external
sense resistor. The sense resistor should be of a nonin-
ductive construction as high speed performance is essen-
tial. Proper grounding technique is also required to avoid
distortion of the high speed current waveform. A preset
internal limit of nominally 250mV at this pin effects a
switch current limit.
SFST (Pin 3):
Pin for optional external capacitor to effect
soft-start function. See Applications Information for
(Pin 4):
Input pin for optional external load com-
pensation resistor. Use of this pin allows nominal com-
pensation for nonzero output impedance in the power
transformer secondary circuit, including secondary wind-
ing impedance, output Schottky diode impedance and
output capacitor ESR. In less demanding applications, this
resistor is not needed. See Applications Information for
more details.
(Pin 5):
Pin for external filter capacitor for optional
load compensation function. A common 0.1
F ceramic
capacitor will suffice for most applications. See Applica-
tions Information for further details.
OSCAP (Pin 6):
Pin for external timing capacitor to set
oscillator switching frequency. See Applications Informa-
tion for details.
(pin 7):
This is the control voltage pin which is the
output of the feedback amplifier and the input of the
current comparator. Frequency compensation of the
overall loop is effected in most cases by placing a
capacitor between this node and ground.
FB (Pin 8):
Input pin for external “feedback” resistor
divider. The ratio of this divider, times the internal band-
gap (V
) reference, times the effective transformer turns
ratio is the primary determinant of the output voltage. The
Thevenin equivalent resistance of the feedback divider
should be roughly 3k. See Applications Information for
more details.
(Pin 9):
Output pin for nominal 3V reference. This
facilitates various user applications. This node is internally
current limited for protection and is intended to drive
either moderate capacitive loads of several hundred pF or
less, or, very large capacitive loads of 0.1
F or more. See
Applications Information for more details.
UVLO (Pin 10):
This is a dual function pin that implements
both undervoltage lockout and shutdown functions. Pull-
ing this pin to near ground effects shutdown and reduces
quiescent current to tens of microamperes.
Additionally, an external resistor divider between V
ground may be connected to this pin to implement an
undervoltage lockout function. The bias current on this pin
is a function of the state of the UVLO comparator; as the
threshold is exceeded, the bias current increases. This
creates a hysteresis band equal to the change in bias
current times the Thevenin impedance of the user’s resis-
tive divider. The user may thereby adjust the impedance of
the UVLO divider to achieve a desired degree of hysteresis.
A 100pF capacitor to ground is recommended on this pin.
See Application Information for details.
SGND (Pin 11):
The signal ground pin is a clean ground.
The internal reference, oscillator and feedback amplifier
are referred to it. Keep the ground path connection to the
FB pin, OSCAP capacitor and the V
compensation capaci-
tor free of large ground currents.
MINENAB (Pin 12):
Pin for external programming resistor
to set minimum enable time. See Applications Information
for details.
ENDLY (Pin 13):
Pin for external programming resistor to
set enable delay time. See Applications Information for
(Pin 14):
Pin for external programming resistor to set
switch minimum on time. See Applications Information
for details.
(Pin 15):
Supply voltage for the LT1737. Bypass this
pin to ground with 1
F or more.
GATE (Pin 16):
This is the gate drive to the external power
MOSFET switch and has large dynamic currents flowing
through it. Keep the trace to the MOSFET as short as
possible to minimize electromagnetic radiation and volt-
age spikes. A series resistance of 5
or more may help to
dampen ringing in less than ideal layouts.