Operational Notes
The optimum performance of high and low side gate drivers
cannot be achieved without taking due considerations during
circuit board layout. Following points are emphasized.
A low ESR/ESL capacitor must be connected close to
the IC, and between V
and V
pins and between HB
and HS pins to support high peak currents being drawn
from V
during turn-on of the external MOSFET.
To prevent large voltage transients at the drain of the top
MOSFET, a low ESR electrolytic capacitor must be con-
nected between MOSFET drain and ground (V
In order to avoid large negative transients on the switch
node (HS) pin, the parasitic inductances in the source of
top MOSFET and in the drain of the bottom MOSFET
(synchronous rectifier) must be minimized.
Grounding considerations:
a) The first priority in designing grounding connections is
to confine the high peak currents from charging and
discharging the MOSFET gate in a minimal physical
area. This will decrease the loop inductance and mini-
mize noise issues on the gate terminal of the MOSFET.
The MOSFETs should be placed as close as possible to
the gate driver.
b) The second high current path includes the bootstrap
capacitor, the bootstrap diode, the local ground refer-
enced bypass capacitor and low side MOSFET body
diode. The bootstrap capacitor is recharged on the
cycle-by-cycle basis through the bootstrap diode from
the ground referenced V
bypass capacitor. The re-
charging occurs in a short time interval and involves high
peak current. Minimizing this loop length and area on the
circuit board is important to ensure reliable operation.
The resistor on the RDT pin must be placed very close to
the IC and seperated from high current paths to avoid
noise coupling to the time delay generator which could
disrupt timer operation.
The total IC power dissipation is the sum of the gate driver
losses and the bootstrap diode losses. The gate driver
losses are related to the switching frequency (f), output load
capacitance on LO and HO (C
), and supply voltage (V
and can be roughly calculated as:
= 2
There are some additional losses in the gate drivers due to
the internal CMOS stages used to buffer the LO and HO
outputs. The following plot shows the measured gate driver
power dissipation versus frequency and load capacitance.At
higher frequencies and load capacitance values, the power
dissipation is dominated by the power losses driving the
output loads and agrees well with the above equation. This
plot can be used to approximate the power losses due to the
gate drivers.
Gate Driver Power Dissipation (LO + HO)
= 12V, Neglecting Diode Losses
The bootstrap diode power loss is the sum of the forward
bias power loss that occurs while charging the bootstrap
capacitor and the reverse bias power loss that occurs during
reverse recovery. Since each of these events happens once
per cycle, the diode power loss is proportional to frequency.
Larger capacitive loads require more current to recharge the
bootstrap capacitor resulting in more losses. Higher input
voltages (V
) to the half bridge result in higher reverse
recovery losses. The following plot was generated based on
calculations and lab measurements of the diode recovery
time and current under several operating conditions. This
can be useful for approximating the diode power dissipation.