Maximum Duty Cycle Clamp
The soft-start circuit allows the regulator to gradually reach a
steady state operating point, thereby reducing start-up
stresses and current surges. Upon turn-on, the SS pin ca-
pacitor is discharged by an internal switch. When the UVLO,
VCC and REF pins reach their operating thresholds, the SS
capacitor is released and charged with a 50uA current
source. The PWM comparator control voltage is clamped to
the SS pin voltage. When the PWM input reaches 1.4V,
output pulses commence with slowly increasing duty cycle.
The voltage at the SS pin eventually increases to 5V, while
the voltage at the PWM comparator increases to the value
required for regulation determined by the voltage feedback
If the UVLO pin voltage falls below the 1.25V standby thresh-
old but above the 0.4V shutdown threshold, the 50uA SS pin
source current is disabled and a 50uA sink current dis-
charges the soft-start capacitor. As the SS voltage falls and
clamps the PWM comparator input, the PWM duty cycle will
gradually fall to zero. This soft-stop feature produces a
gradual reduction of the power converter output voltage. This
gradual discharge of the output filter prevents oscillations in
the self-driven synchronous rectifiers on the secondary side
of the converter during turn-off.
Current Sense/Current Limit
The CS input provides a control ramp for the pulse width
modulator and current limit detection for overload protection.
If the sensed voltage at the CS comparator exceeds 0.5V the
present cycle is terminated (cycle-by-cycle current limit
A small RC filter, located near the controller, is recom-
mended for the CS input pin. An internal FET connected to
the CS input discharges the current sense filter capacitor at
the conclusion of every cycle to improve dynamic perfor-
mance. This same FET remains on for an additional 100nS
at the start of each main switch cycle to attenuate the leading
edge spike in the current sense signal.
The CS comparator is very fast and may respond to short
duration noise pulses. Layout considerations are critical for
the current sense filter and sense resistor. The capacitor
associated with the CS filter must be placed very close to the
device and connected directly to the pins of the LM5026 (CS
andAGND pins). If a current sense transformer is used, both
leads of the transformer secondary should be routed to the
filter network, which should be located close to the IC. If a
sense resistor located in the source of the main switch
MOSFET is used for current sensing, a low inductance type
of resistor is required. When designing with a current sense
resistor, all of the noise sensitive low power ground connec-
tions should be connected together near the AGND pin and
a single connection should be made to the power ground
(sense resistor ground point).
Overload Protection Timer
The LM5026 provides a current limit restart timer to disable
the outputs and force a delayed restart (hiccup mode) if a
current limit condition is repeatedly sensed. The number of
cycle-by-cycle current limit events required to trigger the
restart is programmable by means of an external capacitor at
the RES pin. During each PWM cycle the LM5026 either
sources or sinks current from the RES pin capacitor. If no
current limit is detected during a cycle, a 10uA discharge
current sink is enabled to hold the RES pin at ground. If a
current limit is detected, the 10uA sink current is disabled
and a 10 uA current source causes the voltage at RES pin to
gradually increase. In the event of an extended overload
condition, the LM5026 protects the converter with cycle-by-
cycle current limiting while the voltage at RES pin increases.
If the RES voltage reaches the 2.5V threshold, the following
restart sequence occurs (see Figure 7):
The RES capacitor and SS capacitors are fully dis-
The soft-start current source is reduced from 50 μA to 1
The SS capacitor voltage slowly increases. When the SS
voltage reaches 1.4V, the PWM comparator will produce
the first output pulse. After the first pulse occurs, the SS
source current reverts to the normal 50 μA level. The SS
voltage increases at its normal rate gradually increasing
the duty cycle of the output drivers
If the overload condition persists after restart, cycle-by-
cycle current limiting will cause the voltage on the RES
capacitor to increase again, repeating the hiccup mode
If the overload condition no longer exists after restart, the
RES pin will be held at ground by the 10 μA current sink
and normal operation resumes.
The overload timer function is very versatile and can be
configured for the following modes of protection:
Cycle-by-cycle only:
The hiccup mode can be com-
pletely disabled by connecting the RES pin to AGND. In
this configuration, the cycle-by-cycle protection will limit
the output current indefinitely and no hiccup sequences
will occur.
Hiccup only:
The timer can be configured for immediate
activation of a hiccup sequence upon detection of an
overload by leaving the RES pin open circuit.
FIGURE 6. Maximum Duty Cycle vs UVLO Voltage