Video Interface
Display Mode 10 (0xA) - Interlaced Luma
Repositioning/Interlaced Chroma Repositioning. Both the luma
and chroma data is treated as interlaced. The odd lines of the frame
store are used to interpolate the top eld, while the even lines of the
frame store are used to interpolate the bottom eld. This display
mode is best suited for eld-structure, SIF-resolution images, or
SIF format MPEG-2 images.
Display Mode 3 - Progressive Luma/Chroma Field Repeat
Letterbox Filtering. The progressive luma data is repeated each
eld time and decimated from four lines down to three using the
on-chip, 4-tap, decimation lter. The chroma data is bilinearly
interpolated to achieve the required decimation. This letterbox
display mode is designed for frame-structure, SIF-resolution images
with 16:9 aspect ratio displayed on 4:3 screens. The main start and
end row positions must be adjusted to account for the 0.75
decimation. The total number of lines per eld should be adjusted
according to the following equation:
The following display modes are provided for enhancing the display of
full-resolution images:
Display Mode 4 - Interlaced Luma/Chroma Field Repeat. The
luma data is treated as interlaced while the chroma data is repeated
in its entirety in both the odd and even eld times. This display mode
is best suited for frame-structure, full-resolution pictures.
Display Mode 5 - Interlaced Luma/Chroma Field Repeat with
Repositioning. The luma data is treated as interlaced. The chroma
data is repeated in its entirety for both elds, but is ltered to improve
its spatial positioning. This display mode is best suited for
frame-structure pictures.
Display Mode 6 - Interlaced Luma/Chroma Line Repeat. The luma
data is treated as interlaced. The chroma data is treated as
interlaced and is line repeated to achieve the 4:2:0 to 4:2:2 chroma
conversion. This display mode is suitable for either eld- or
frame-structure pictures.
Lines per Field
Main End Row
Main Start Row