The Copy-Back Program Operation with Random Data Input in MuxOneNAND consists of 2 phase, Load data into DataRAM, Modify
data and program into designated page. Data from the source page is saved in one of the on-chip DataRAM buffers and modified by
the host, then programmed into the destination page.
As shown in the flow chart, data modification is possible upon completion of load operation. ECC is also available at the end of load
operation. Therefore, using hardware ECC of MuxOneNAND, accumulation of 1 bit error can be avoided.
Copy-Back Program Operation with Random Data Input will be effectively utilized at modifying certain bit, byte, word, or sector of
source page to destination page while it is being copied.
Copy-Back Program Operation with Random Data Input Flow Chart
Write ’DFS*, FBA’ of Flash
Add: F100h DQ=DFS, FBA
Write ’FPA, FSA’ of Flash
Add: F107h DQ=FPA, FSA
Write ’BSA, BSC’ of DataRAM
Add: F200h DQ=BSA, BSC
Select DataRAM for DDP
Add: F101h DQ=DBS
Write ’Load’ Command
Add: F220h
DQ=0000h or 0013h
Wait for INT register
low to high transition
Add: F241h DQ[15]=INT
Read Controller
Status Register
Add: F240h DQ[10]=Error
* DBS, DFS is for DDP
Map Out
Write 0 to interrupt register
Add: F241h DQ=0000h
Copy back completed
Wait for INT register
low to high transition
Add: F241h DQ[15]=INT
Read Controller
Status Register
Add: F240h DQ[10]=Error
Copy back Error
Random Data Input
Write ’FBA’ of Flash
Add: F100h DQ=FBA
Write ’FPA, FSA’ of Flash
Add: F107h DQ=FPA, FSA
Write ’Program’ Command
Add: F220h
DQ=0080h or 001Ah
Write 0 to interrupt register
Add: F241h DQ=0000h
Add: Random Address in
Selected DataRAM
3.9.1 Copy-Back Program Operation with Random Data Input