The buffer memory can be read by addressing a Read to the desired buffer area.
3.1.2 Writing Data to Buffer
The buffer memory can be written to by addressing a Write to a desired buffer area.
3.1.3 Reset MuxOneNAND Command
The Reset command is given by writing 00F0h to the boot partition address. Reset will return all default values into the device.
3.1.4 Load Data Into Buffer Command
Load Data into Buffer command is a two-cycle command. Two sequential designated command activates this operation. Sequentially
writing 00E0h and 0000h to the boot partition [0000h~01FFh, 8000h~800Fh] will load one page to DataRAM0. This operation refers
to FBA and FPA. FSA, BSA, and BSC are not considered.
At the end of this operation, FPA will be automatically increased by 1. So continuous issue of this command will sequentially load data
in next page to DataRAM0. This page address increment is restricted within a block.
The default value of FBA and FPA is 0. Therefore, initial issue of this command after power on will load the first page of memory,
which is usually boot code.
3.1.5 Read Identification Data Command
The Read Identification Data command consists of two cycles. It gives out the devices identification data according to the given
address. The first cycle is 0090h to the boot partition address and second cycle is read from the addresses specified in Identification
Data Description Table.
Identification Data Description
Note 1) To read the write protection status, FBA has to be set before issuing this command.
Data Out
Manufacturer ID (00ECh)
Device ID (0020h)
Current Block Write Protection Status
3.1.1 Reading Data From Buffer