1. Overview
The IT8710F is a LPC Interface based highly integrated Super I/O. The IT8710F provides the most
commonly used legacy Super I/O functionality. The device’s LPC interface complies with Inte l “LPC Interface
Specification Rev. 1.01”. The IT8710F meets the “Microsoft
PC98/PC99/PC2001 System Design Guide”
requirements and is ACPI compliant.
Features include one high-performance 2.88MB floppy disk controller, with digital data separator, supporting
one 360K/720K/1.2M/1.44M/2.88M floppy disk drive. One multi-mode high-performance parallel port
features the bi-directional Standard Parallel Port (SPP), the Enhanced Parallel Port (EPP V. 1.7 and EPP V.
1.9 are supported), and the IEEE 1284 compliant Extended Capabilities Port (ECP). Two 16C550 standard
compatible enhanced UARTs perform asynchronous communication, and support SIR. The Smart Card
Interface is internally connected to UART2. Consumer IR, MIDI and Game Port are also supported. There is
also a flash ROM interface with Address (FA[0:18]), Data (FD[0:7]), supporting three control signals FCS#,
FWE# and FRD#.
These 9 logical devices can be individually enabled or disabled via software configuration registers. The
IT8710F utilizes power-efficient circuitry to reduce power consumption. Once a logical device is disabled, the
inputs are gated inhibit, the outputs are TRI-STATE and the input clock is disabled. The IT8710F requires a
single 24/48 MHz clock input and operates with a single +3.3V power supply.
The IT8710F is available in 100-pin PQFP (Plastic Quad Flat Package).
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www.iteusa.com Dec. 27, 2001
Specifications subject to Change without Notice