ICM532B CIF Color CMOS Sensor with USB Output
Data Sheet, V 1.1 November, 2002
over-exposed or under-exposed. To accommodate for different brightness, the user may change the
2000, 2001,2002 IC Media Corporation & IC Media Technology Corp
exposure time or digital gain by adjusting the AD_EXPOSE_TIMEH and AD_EXPOSE_TIMEL. The
exposure time is measured in terms of the time to read out one line of data, which is equal to 125 us
(assuming the line length is 500). If the number of lines per frame is set at 320 (the default), the
exposure time can vary from 1 to 319 lines. In addition, the user can adjust bit 7 to 5 of register
AD_EXPOSE_TIMEH to digitally boost the output value by 1 to 64 times @ 2N for all pixels.
Furthermore, users can adjust registers AD_M1_L, AD_M1_H, AD_M2_L, AD_M2_H, AD_M3_L,
AD_M3_H, AD_M4_L, AD_M4_H, to optimize the RGB gain (from 1/256 to 64) of the 4 Bayer
pattern pixels separately.
2.4. Output Format
During normal operation, the output format is 8-bit compressed data that ranges from 0 to 255. This
data is transmitted with a USB Transceiver using Isochronous packets. The video quality is related to
the size of the packets, with 1023 bytes/packet generating the highest quality image. The packets are
received, decompressed, and color processed by a host PC. A typical configuration is to connect
ICM-532B to a USB enabled PC. When operated at 24 fps CIF, the USB clock is 48 MHz and the Video
data clock is 4MHz. When operated at 30 fp, the Video data clock is 6MHz. The line and frame timing
can be adjusted through registers AD_WIDTH and AD_HEIGHT.
3. Control Registers
Registers may be configured using either the USB Command/Control Channel, or the Serial interface.
The result is unpredictable if both interfaces are used simultaneously. USB access should be made
using a Standard Vendor Type Device Request. For a write, if the Length field value is 0, the two bytes
in the Value field are written into two registers starting at the Index field value. For all other Length
field values, the data stage transfers the requested number of bytes starting from the Index field value.
The data transfer Length must not be larger than 8 bytes.
The 7-bit Serial ICM-532B device address is 0x21. ICM-532B can operate in either Serial master mode
or slave mode right after power up, depending on the pull-up or pull-down of the GPIO[1] pin. When
GPIO[1] is pulled low during power-up, ICM-102B’s Serial interface is operated as a slave device,
waiting to be controlled by an external master such as a microprocessor. When GPIO[1] is pulled high