ICM532B CIF Color CMOS Sensor with USB Output
Data Sheet, V 1.1 November, 2002
unless the device is in Suspend state.
GPIO[1] Pull-up.
To enable external Serial EEPROM for register loads, Pull-down to disable this feature.
GPIO[2] Pull-up.
To select crystal oscillator clock source. Required condition
2. General Purpose:
The other 5 GPIO pins have no Pull-up/Pull-down requirements. All of these pins default to inputs at
device reset. If the pins are to remain unused, an external pull-up is recommended to prevent the inputs
from floating.
To use an external switch, use a pull-up, and connect the switch between the GPIO pin and ground, and
poll the selected pin in register 58. The pull-up will return a high value, and a switch event will return a
low value.
5. Programming
5.1. Special considerations
There are several registers that need to be correctly programmed for device operation. If custom Vendor
ID/Product ID values are required, these registers should be programmed by an external Serial
EEPROM before the USB controller accesses the part
. It is recommended that the Vendor ID and
Product ID registers be programmed first. This allows the correct values to be set before the USB
configuration after power-up. After that, the driver can look for a specific register value to indicate the
end of Serial programming. During the initialization phase, if an external EEPROM is used, care must
be taken by the driver to not accesses registers while the EEPROM is transferring data. The driver
software should delay an appropriate time before accessing the registers.
Expansion RAM:
To access the internal 256Byte expansion RAM, load the RAA register with the desired address, and
read or write the RAD register.
Device Programming:
The maximum size of a USB data transfer is 8 bytes. Transfers larger than this will not read/write the
correct data values.
6. Electrical Characteristics
6.1. DC Characteristics
2000, 2001,2002 IC Media Corporation & IC Media Technology Corp
Customization of the VID/PID is available at a cost for large volume orders.