Table 1.Pin Details of IC43R32400
Integrated Circuit Solution Inc.
DDR003-0B 11/10/2004
Symbol Type
CK,CK# Input
Differential Clock:
CK, CK# are driven by the system clock. All SDRAM input commands are
sampled on the positive edge of CK. Both CK and CK# increment the internal burst counter and
controls the output registers.
Clock Enable:
CKE activates(HIGH)and deactivates(LOW)the CK signal.If CKE goes low synchro-
nously with clock,the internal clock is suspended from the next clock cycle and the state of output
and burst address is frozen as long as the CKE remains low.When all banks are in the idle state,
deactivating the clock controls the entry to the Power Down and Self Refresh modes.
Bank Select:
BA0 and BA1 defines to which bank the BankActivate,Read,Write,or BankPrecharge
command is being applied. They also define which Mode Register or Extended Mode Register is
loaded during a Mode Register Set command.
Address Inputs:
A0-A10 are sampled during the BankActivate command (row address A0-A11)
and Read/Write command (column address A0-A7 with A8 defining Auto Precharge) to select one
location out of the 256K available in the respective bank.During a Precharge command,A8 is
sampled to determine if all banks are to be precharged (A8 =HIGH).The address inputs also
provide the op-code during a Mode Register Set or Extended Mode Register Set command.
Chip Select:
CS# enables (sampled LOW)and disables (sampled HIGH)the command decoder.All
commands are masked when CS#is sampled HIGH.CS#provides for external bank selection on
systems with multiple banks.It is considered part of the command code.
Row Address Strobe:
The RAS# signal defines the operation commands in conjunction with the
CAS# and WE# signals and is latched at the positive edges of CK.When RAS# and CS# are
asserted “LOW”and CAS# is asserted “HIGH,”either the BankActivate command or the Precharge
command is selected by the WE# signal.When the WE# is asserted “HIGH,”the BankActivate
command is selected and the bank designated by BS is turned on to the active state.When the
WE# is asserted “LOW,”the Precharge command is selected and the bank designated by BS is
switched to the idle state after the precharge operation.
Column Address Strobe:
The CAS# signal defines the operation commands in conjunction with
the RAS# and WE# signals and is latched at the positive edges of CK. When RAS# is held
“HIGH”and CS# is asserted “LOW,”the column access is started by asserting CAS# ”LOW.”Then,
the Read or Write command is selected by asserting WE# “HIGH”or “LOW.”
Write Enable:
The WE# signal defines the operation commands in conjunction with the RAS# and
CAS# signals and is latched at the positive edges of CK.The WE# input is used to select the
BankActivate or Precharge command and Read or Write command.
DQS0-DQS3 Input/Output Bidirectional Data Strobe:
The DQSx signals are mapped to the following data bytes:
DQS0 to DQ0-DQ7, DQS1 to DQ8-DQ15, DQS2 to DQ16-DQ23, DQS3 to DQ24-DQ31.
DM0-DM3 Input Data Input Mask:
DM0-DM3 are byte specific. Input data is masked when DM is sampled HIGH
during a write cycle. DM3 masks DQ31-DQ24, DM2 masks DQ23DQ16, DM1 masks DQ15-DQ8,
and DM0 masks DQ7-DQ0.
DQ0-DQ31 Input/Output Data I/O:
The DQ0-DQ31 input and output data are synchronized with the positive edges of
CK and CK#.The I/Os are byte-maskable during Writes.
Power Supply:
Power for the input buffers and core logic.