1.3 Pin Description
ST52F501L/F502L pins can be set in digital input
mode, digital output mode, interrupt mode or in
Alternate Functions. Pin configuration is achieved
by means of the configuration registers. The
functions of the ST52F501L/F502L pins are
described below:
VDD. Main Power Supply Voltage.
VDDIO. I/O Ports Power Supply Voltage. It is
reccomended to connect this pin with a supply
voltage de-coupled with VDD in order to improve
the immunity from the noise generated by the I/O
switching (only 32 pin packages).
VSS. Digital circuit Ground.
VSSIO. I/O Ports Ground. See VDDIO
VPP. Programming/Working mode selector. During
the Programming phase VPP must be set to VDD.
In Working phase VPP must be equal to VSS.
OSCin and OSCout. These pins are internally
connected to the on-chip oscillator circuit. A quartz
crystal or a ceramic resonator can be connected
between these two pins in order to allow correct
use of ST52F501L/F502L with various stability/
cost trade-offs. An external clock signal can be
applied to OSCin: in this case OSCout must be
grounded. To reduce costs, an RC circuit can be
applied to the OSCin pin to establish the internal
clock frequency, instead of the quartz. Without any
connection, the device can work with its internal
clock generator (10 MHz)
ST52F501L/F502L and re-initialize the registers
and control signals. It is also used when switching
from the Programming Mode to Working Mode and
vice versa.
PA0-PA7, PB0-PB7,PC0-PC7. These lines are
organized as I/O ports. Each pin can be configured
as an input, output (with pull-up, push-pull, weak-
pull-up, open-drain, high-impedance), or as an
interrupt source.
T0OUT, T1OUT. These pins output the signals
generated by the PWM/Timer 0 and PWM/Timer 1
TRES, TSTRT, TCLK. These pins are related to
the PWM/Timer 0 peripheral and are used for Input
Capture and event counting. The TRES pin is used
to set/reset the Timer; the TSTRT pin is used to
start/stop the counter. The Timer can be driven by
the internal clock or by an external signal
connected to the TCLK pin.
INT. This pin is used as input for the Non-Maskable
(top level) interrupt. The interrupt signal is detected
only if the pin is configured in Alternate Function.
SCL, SDA. These pin are used respectively as
Serial Clock and Serial Data I/O in I2C peripheral
protocol. They are used also in Programming
Mode to receive and transmit data.
SCK, MISO, MOSI, SS. These pins are used by
the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) peripheral.
SCK is the serial clock line. MISO (Master In Slave
Out) and MOSI (Master Out Slave In) are the serial
data lines, which work in input or in output
depending on if the device is working in slave or
master mode. The SS pin allows the selection of
the device master/slave mode.
TX, RX. Serial data output of SCI Transmitter block
(TX) and Serial data input of the SCI Receiver
block (RX).