Typical Application Schematic Notes
1. A note about the capacitors used for coupling externally
input audio or for outputting audio externally:
The capacitance value and the associated circuit imped-
ances will determine the lower frequency cutoff of the au-
dio signal. The designer must determine what the circuit
impedances are and select the coupling capacitor value
accordingly. Ceramic types (over electrolytic) are highly
2. The crystal should be a parallel resonant type, frequency is
24.756MHz, initial room temperature tolerance of 50ppm,
and a load cap of about 16-20pF.
3. It is recommended to decouple each analog and digital
power supply pin with a combination of a small value and
large value bypass capacitor. The large value capacitor
should be either a tantalum or aluminum electrolytic type.
4. Locate all decoupling capacitors CLOSE to their associat-
ed pins on the codec.
5. Please note that all analog inputs and outputs of the
HMP9701 codec are at the DC level of V
and require
AC coupling to zero biased signal sources and destina-
6. Keep all analog input and output traces as short as possi-
ble, prevent any coupling from adjacent digital lines.
7. For optimum performance, it is preferred to layout sepa-
rate analog and digital ground planes, joining them togeth-
er at a point directly adjacent to the codec (i.e., directly
under it). This case is true even if the designer is using a
single supply for the codec; the single supply would have
adequate decoupling/isolation between the digital and an-
alog sections.
8. When using an external clock source, please feed that sig-
nal into XTL_OUT (not XTL_IN) and leave XTL_IN uncon-
nected. Also, do not use any capacitors between XTL_IN
and GND or XTL_OUT and GND in that mode.