Altera Corporation
Stratix II Device Handbook, Volume 1
April 2011
Power Consumption
Altera offers two ways to calculate power for a design: the Excel-based
PowerPlay Early Power Estimator power calculator and the Quartus II
PowerPlay Power Analyzer feature.
The interactive Excel-based PowerPlay Early Power Estimator is typically
used prior to designing the FPGA in order to get an estimate of device
power. The Quartus II PowerPlay Power Analyzer provides better
quality estimates based on the specifics of the design after place-and-
route is complete. The Power Analyzer can apply a combination of user-
entered, simulation-derived and estimated signal activities which,
combined with detailed circuit models, can yield very accurate power
In both cases, these calculations should only be used as an estimation of
power, not as a specification.
For more information about PowerPlay tools, refer to the PowerPlay Early
Power Estimator User Guide and the PowerPlay Early Power Estimator and
PowerPlay Power Analyzer chapters in volume 3 of the Quartus II
The PowerPlay Early Power Estimator is available on the Altera web site
Timing Model
The DirectDriveTM technology and MultiTrackTM interconnect ensure
predictable performance, accurate simulation, and accurate timing
analysis across all Stratix II device densities and speed grades. This
section describes and specifies the performance, internal timing, external
timing, and PLL, high-speed I/O, external memory interface, and JTAG
timing specifications.
All specifications are representative of worst-case supply voltage and
junction temperature conditions.
The timing numbers listed in the tables of this section are
extracted from the Quartus II software version 5.0 SP1.
Preliminary & Final Timing
Timing models can have either preliminary or final status. The Quartus II
software issues an informational message during the design compilation
if the timing models are preliminary.
Table 5–33 shows the status of the
Stratix II device timing models.