28F400BX-TB 28F004BX-TB
The 4-Mbit boot block flash family supports a typical
ICC of 02 mA in deep power-down mode One of the
target markets for these devices is in portable equip-
ment where the power consumption of the machine
is of prime importance The 4-Mbit boot block flash
family has a RP
pin which places the device in the
deep powerdown mode When RP
is at a logic-low
(GND g02V) all circuits are turned off and the de-
vice typically draws 02 mAofVCC current
During read modes the RP
pin going low dese-
lects the memory and places the output drivers in a
high impedance state Recovery from the deep pow-
er-down state requires a maximum of 300 ns to ac-
cess valid data (tPHQV)
During erase or program modes RP
low will abort
either erase or program operation The contents of
the memory are no longer valid as the data has been
corrupted by the RP
function As in the read mode
above all internal circuitry is turned off to achieve
the 02 mA current level
transitions to VIL or turning power off to the
device will clear the status register
This use of RP
during system reset is important
with automated writeerase devices When the sys-
tem comes out of reset it expects to read from the
flash memory Automated flash memories provide
status information when accessed during write
erase modes If a CPU reset occurs with no flash
memory reset proper CPU initialization would not
occur because the flash memory would be providing
the status information instead of array data Intel’s
Flash Memories allow proper CPU initialization fol-
lowing a system reset through the use of the RP
input In this application RP
is controlled by the
same RESET
signal that resets the system CPU
46 Power-up Operation
The 4-Mbit boot block flash family is designed to
offer protection against accidental block erasure or
programming during power transitions Upon power-
up the 4-Mbit boot block flash family is indifferent as
to which power supply VPP or VCC powers-up first
Power supply sequencing is not required
The 4-Mbit boot block flash family ensures the CUI is
reset to the read mode on power-up
In addition on power-up the user must either drop
low or present a new address to ensure valid
data at the outputs
A system designer must guard against spurious
writes for VCC voltages above VLKO when VPP is
active Since both WE
and CE
must be low for a
command write driving either signal to VIH will inhibit
writes to the device The CUI architecture provides
an added level of protection since alteration of mem-
ory contents can only occur after successful com-
pletion of the two-step command sequences Finally
the device is disabled until RP
is brought to VIH
regardless of the state of its control inputs This fea-
ture provides yet another level of memory protec-
47 Power Supply Decoupling
Flash memory’s power switching characteristics re-
quire careful device decoupling methods System
designers are interested in 3 supply current issues
Standby current levels (ICCS)
Active current levels (ICCR)
Transient peaks produced by falling and rising
edges of CE
Transient current magnitudes depend on the device
outputs’ capacitive and inductive loading Two-line
control and proper decoupling capacitor selection
will suppress these transient voltage peaks Each
flash device should have a 01 mF ceramic capacitor
connected between each VCC and GND and be-
tween its VPP and GND These high frequency low-
inherent inductance capacitors should be placed as
close as possible to the package leads
Writing to flash memories while they reside in the
target system requires special consideration of the
VPP power supply trace by the printed circuit board
designer The VPP pin supplies the flash memory
cells current for programming and erasing One
should use similar trace widths and layout consider-
ations given to the VCC power supply trace Ade-
quate VPP supply traces and decoupling will de-
crease spikes and overshoots
The CUI latches commands as issued by system
software and is not altered by VPP or CE
sitions or WSM actions Its state upon power-up af-
ter exit from deep power-down mode or after VCC
transitions below VLKO (Lockout voltage) is Read
Array mode
After any wordbyte write or block erase operation is
complete and even after VPP transitions down to
VPPL the CUI must be reset to Read Array mode via
the Read Array command when accesses to the
flash memory are desired