Host Computer Hardware
Functional Description
(ADM_SEL0, ADM_SEL1, ADM_SEL2) select a command converter before sending a
command. Further information on the method of command converter selection is
discussed in subsequent sections.
Two handshake signals originate at the host computer and are used to pass data to and
from a command converter. HOST_REQ initiates a data byte transfer to a command
converter, while HOST_ACK acknowledges receipt of a data byte from a command
Two control signals (ADM_BRK,ADM_RESET) allow the user to assert an interrupt or a
reset exception on a single command converter or a group of command converters. The
ADM_BRK signal is used to put the command converter back into Command Entry mode;
the ADM_RESET signal is used to reset the command converter.
The command converter informs the host computer of target DSP entries to the Debug
mode of operation by asserting the HOST_BRK signal. The ADS user interface program
on the host computer periodically polls the HOST_BRK signal from the keyboard polling
routine. If the HOST_BRK signal is asserted, the host computer will determine which
command converter is requesting service by reading the ADM_INT signal. The
INT_ACK signal is asserted by the host computer when a service request has been
recognized. Further details on the functions of each signal will be given in a subsequent
section. Figure 3-2 illustrates the 37-pin cable and the direction of the signal groups.
3.1.2 Host Computer Interface Cable
The host computer interface card interacts with the command converters via a 37-pin
ribbon cable assembly. Each end of the ribbon cable has a 37-pin subminiature-D
Insertion Displacement receptacle connector. The cable assembly is approximately 4 feet
in length and is designed so that additional command converters may be easily attached to
the existing cable by crimping on new connectors.
Normally the ADS is shipped with an application development module (ADM), and
power for the command converter is supplied by the host computer interface card via the
37-pin cable. Power for the ADM card is provided by a wall power transformer. The
ribbon cable is not designed to draw more than 2 amps current at 5 volts. Since each
command converter draws approximately 250 milliamperes, it is safe to power all eight
units via the cable, but the target systems must be powered by a different source to ensure
correct operation.