Delta39K ISR
CPLD Family
Document #: 38-03039 Rev. **
Page 8 of 57
The clocks for each port of the Dual-Port configuration are
selected from four global clocks and two local clocks. One lo-
cal clock is sourced from the horizontal channel and the other
from the vertical channel. The data outputs of the dual-port
memory can also be registered. Clocks for the output registers
are also selected from four global clocks and two local clocks.
One clock polarity mux per port allows the use of true or com-
plement polarity for input and output clocking purposes.
The Dual-Port configuration of the Channel Memory Block pro-
vides arbitration when both ports access the same address at
the same time. Depending on the memory operation being at-
tempted, one port always gets priority. See Table 1 for details
on which port gets priority for read and write operations. An
active-LOW ‘Address Match’ signal is generated when an ad-
dress collision occurs.
FIFO (Channel Memory) Configuration
The channel memory blocks are also configurable as synchro-
nous FIFO RAM. In the FIFO mode of operation, the channel
memory block supports all normal FIFO operations without the
use of any general-purpose logic resources in the device.
The FIFO block contains all of the necessary FIFO flag logic,
including the read and write address pointers. The FIFO flags
include an empty/full flag (EF), half-full flag (HF), and program-
mable almost-empty/full (PAEF) flag output. The FIFO config-
uration has the ability to perform simultaneous read and write
operations using two separate clocks. These clocks may be
tied together for a single operation or may run independently
for asynchronous Read/Write (w.r.t. each other) applications.
The data and control inputs to the FIFO block are driven from
the horizontal or vertical routing channels. The data and flag
outputs are driven onto dedicated routing tracks in both the
horizontal and vertical routing channels. This allows the FIFO
blocks to be expanded by using multiple FIFO blocks on the
same horizontal or vertical routing channel without any speed
In FIFO mode, the write and read ports are controlled by sep-
arate clock and enable signals. The clocks for each port are
selected from four global clocks and two local clocks.
One local clock is sourced from the horizontal channel and the
other from the vertical channel. The data outputs from the read
port of the FIFO can also be registered. One clock polarity mux
per port allows using true or complement polarity for read and
write operations. The write operation is controlled by the clock
and the write enable pin. The read operation is controlled by
the clock and the read enable pin. The enable pins can be
sourced from horizontal or vertical channels.
Table 1. Arbitration Result: Address Match Signal
Becomes Active
Port A
Port B
Result of
No arbitration
Both ports read at the
same time
Port A gets
If Port B requests first
then it will read the cur-
rent data. The output will
then change to the newly
written data by Port A
Port B gets
If Port A requests first
then it will read the cur-
rent data. The output will
then change to the newly
written data by Port B
Port A gets
Port B is blocked until
Port A is finished writing
Figure 6. Block Diagram of Channel Memory Block
4096-bit Dual Port
Configurable as
Async/Sync Dual Port or
Configurable as
4Kx1, 2Kx2, 1Kx4 and
512x8 block sizes
Horizontal Channel
All channel memory
inputs are driven from
the routing channels
All channel memory outputs
drive dedicated tracks in the
routing channels
Global Clock