V-Type Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator (VCXO)
Vectron International 166 Glover Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06856 Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 Fax: 1-888-FAX-VECTRON
Table 4. Absolute Pull Range (APR)
Absolute Frequency Pull Range:
ppm from fo
Control Voltage, Vc = 0.50V for 5V
ppm from fo
Control Voltage, Vc = 4.50V for 5V
ppm from fo
Control Voltage, Vc = 0.30V for 3.3V
ppm from fo
Control Voltage, Vc = 3.00V for 3.3V
ppm from fo
Absolute pull range (APR) is specified by the fourth character of the
product code (seeTable 5). The APR is the minimum guaranteed fre-
quency shift from fo over variations in temperature, aging, power sup-
ply, and load. Both frequency and environment limit the specified APR.
With Vc between 0.5 V and 4.5 V, total pull range for the V-Type
VCXO is typically between 200 ppm and 400 ppm. A 50 ppm APR
V-Type VCXO will fully track a 50 ppm source oscillator or other 50
ppm reference under all specified environmental conditions.
Mechanical Shock
MIL-STD-883C, 2002.3 B
Mechanical Vibration
MIL-STD-883C, 2007.1 A
Lead Solderability
MIL-STD-883C, 2003.5
Gross Leak
MIL-STD-883C, 1014.7
Fine Leak
MIL-STD-883C, 1014.7
-55 °C to 125 °C
Table 5. Mechanical and Environmental Compliance
Oscillator Aging
Quartz stabilized oscillators typically exhibit a change in out-
put frequency with age. The major factors that contribute to
this change are variations in the mechanical stress applied
to the quartz crystal and mass-loading of foreign material
upon the quartz crystal.
As the oscillator ages, relaxation of the crystal’s mounting
stress can lead to frequency variation. In some oscillator
products, additional variations may be brought about by the
transfer of external environmental stress through the device
package and crystal mounting arrangement. VI has mini-
mized these two effects through the use of a state-of-the-art
miniature AT-Cut rectangular resonator. This crystal allows a
mounting arrangement that results in minimal relaxation and
very little environmental stress transfer.
Mass-loading of the quartz resonator, which generally drives
the frequency lower, is a result of outgassing of materials
within a hermetic package or contamination from external
materials in a less than hermetic device. In general, higher fre-
quency resonators are more susceptible to this aging mecha-
nism. VI has minimized the V-Type’s sensitivity to these effects
by ensuring the hermetic integrity of the package design and
by minimizing the parts count in the device. By using monolith-
ic IC technology, the component count is reduced and the
amount of material likely to outgas is minimized.
Under normal operating conditions with an operating tem-
perature of 40°C, the V-Type VCXO will typically exhibit
2ppm aging in its first year of operation.The device is then
expected to exhibit 1ppm aging the following year and will
continue a logarithmic decline for each year there after.