5 - 26
Wireless Components
Specification, January 2002
Band Selection
4). Channel S02 beat is the interfering product of fRFpix, fIF and fOSC of channel S02, fBEAT = 37.35 MHz. The
possible mechanisms are fOSC - 2 x fIF or 2 x fRFpix - fOSC.
5). Channel A-5 beat is the interfering product of fRFpix, fIF and fOSC of channel A-5; fBEAT= 45.5 MHz. The pos-
sible mechanisms are: fOSC - 2 x fIF or 2 x fRFpix - fOSC.
6). Channel 6 beat is the interfering product of fRFpix + fRFsnd - fOSC of channel 6 at 42 MHz.
7). N+5 -1 MHz is defined as the input level of channel N+5, at frequency 1 MHz lower, causing FM sidebands
30 dB below the wanted carrier.
8). Limits are related to the tank circuit used in the application board (
see Chapter 4). Frequency bands may
be adjusted by the choice of external components.
9). The frequency shift is defined as a change in oscillator frequency when the supply voltage varies from
VCC = 5 to 4.75 V (4.5 V) or from VCC = 5 to 5.25 V (5.5 V). The oscillator is free running during this measure-
10). The frequency drift is defined as a change in oscillator frequency when the ambient temperature varies
from Tamb = 25 to 50 °C or from Tamb = 25 to 0 °C. The oscillator is free running during this measurement.
11). The switch-on drift is defined as a change in oscillator frequency between 5 s and 15 min after switch-on.
The oscillator is free running during this measurement.
12). The supply ripple susceptibility is measured in the application board
(see Chapter 4), using a spectrum
analyser connected to the IF output. An unmodulated RF signal is applied to the test board RF input. A sine-
wave signal with a frequency of 500 kHz is superposed onto the supply voltage
(see 5.3.8 on page 33). The
amplitude of this ripple is adjusted to bring the 500 kHz sidebands around the IF carrier to a level of 53.5 dBc
with respect to the carrier.
Table 5-4
Internal band selection
Table 5-5
Table 5-6
+ 5 V
0 V or open
0 V or open
+ 5 V
HIGH 1).
1). This is the default mode at power-on.
0 V or open