The under voltage lockout circuit prevents the device from malfunctioning at low input voltages and the battery
from excessive discharge. It disables the output stage of the converter once the falling VIN trips the under-voltage
lockout threshold VUVLO which is typically 2.0V. The device starts operation once the rising VIN trips VUVLO
threshold plus its hysteresis of 100 mV at typ. 2.1V.
The device has a built in power good function to indicate whether the output voltage has reached the
programmed value and therefore the capacitor is fully charged. The power good output (PG) is set high if the
feedback voltage reaches 95% of its nominal value. The power good comparator operates even in shut down
mode when EN is set to low and/or VIN is turned off. This guaranties power good functionality until the capacitor
is discharged. The PG output goes low when VOUT drops below 2.3 V and indicates the discharge of the
capacitor. If the output voltage decreases further and goes below 2.0 V the converter disables all internal
circuitry. Therefore the PG open drain output becomes high resistive and follows the voltage the pull-up resistor
is connected to.
Since power good functionality is active as long as the output capacitors are charged the converter can be
disconnected from its supply but is still supplying the following circuitry with energy. A connected buck converter
or buck-boost converter can use this energy to support a follow-on circuit that needs additional energy for a
secured shut down.
This converter has a input over voltage protection that protects the device from damage due to a voltage higher
than the absolute maximum rating of the input allows. If 6.5 V (typ.) at the input is exceeded the converter
completely shuts down to protect its inner circuitry as well as the circuit connected to VOUT . If the input voltage
drops below 6.4 V (typ.) it turns on the device again and enters normal start up again.
The TPS61251 has an intelligent load disconnect circuit that prevents current flow in any direction during
shutdown. In case of a connected battery and VIN > VOUT the converter will not discharge the battery during
shutdown of the converter. In the opposite case when a bulk capacitor is connected to VOUT and charged to a
higher voltage than VIN the converter prevents the capacitor from being discharged through the input load
The TPS61251 contains a thermal regulation loop that monitors the die temperature. If the die temperature rises
to values above 110 °C, the device automatically reduces the current to prevent the die temperature from further
increasing. Once the die temperature drops about 10 °C below the threshold, the device will automatically
increase the current to the target value. This function also reduces the current during a short-circuit-condition.
As soon as the junction temperature, TJ, exceeds 140°C (typical) the device enters thermal shutdown. In this
mode, the High Side and Low Side MOSFETs are turned-off. When the junction temperature falls about 20 °C
below the thermal shutdown, the device continues the operation.
Copyright 2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated