TAS5518 Controls and Status
SLES115 — August 2004
2.4.1 PLL Operation
The TAS5518 uses two internal clocks generated by two internal phase-locked loops (PLLs), the digital PLL
(DPLL) and the analog PLL (APLL). The analog PLL provides the reference clock for the PWM. The digital
PLL provides the reference clock for the digital audio processor and the control logic.
The master clock MCLK input provides the input reference clock for the APLL. The external 13.5-MHz crystal
provides the input reference clock for the digital PLL. The crystal provides a time base to support a number
of operations, including the detection of the MCLK ratio, the data rate, and clock error conditions. The crystal
time base provides a constant rate for all controls and signal timing.
Even if MCLK is not present, the TAS5518 can receive and store I2C commands and provide status.
Bank Controls
The TAS5518 permits the user to specify and assign sample rate dependent parameters for Biquad,
Loudness, DRC, and Tone in one of three banks that can be manually selected or selected automatically
based upon the data sample rate. Each bank can be enabled for one or more specific sample rates via I2C
bank control register 0x40. Each bank set holds the following values:
Coefficients for Seven Biquads (7X5 = 35 coefficients) for Each of the Eight Channels (Registers 0X51
– 0x88)
Coefficients for One Loudness Biquad (Register 0x95)
DRC1 Energy and (1 – Energy) Values (Register 0x98)
DRC1 Attack, (1 Attack), Decay, (1 – Decay) Values (Register 0x9C)
DRC2 Energy and (1 – Energy) Values (Register 0x9D)
DRC2 Attack, (1 Attack), Decay, (1 – Decay) Values (Register 0xA1)
Five Bass Filter-Set Selections (Register 0xDA)
Five Treble Filter-Set Selections (Register 0xDC)
The default selection for bank control is manual bank with bank 1 selected. Note that if bank switching is used,
Bank 2 and Bank 3 must be programmed on powerup since the default values are all zeroes. If bank switching
is used and Bank 2 and Bank 3 are not programmed correctly, then the output of the TAS5518 could be muted
when switching to those banks.
2.5.1 Manual Bank Selection
The three bank selection bits of the bank control register allow the appropriate bank to be manually selected
(000 = Bank 1, 001 = Bank 2, 010 = Bank 3). In the manual mode, when a write occurs to the Biquad, DRC,
or Loudness coefficients, the current selected bank is updated. If audio data is streaming to the TAS5518,
during a manual bank selection, the TAS5518 first performs a mute sequence, then performs the bank switch,
and finally restores the volume using an unmute sequence.
A mute command initiated by the bank switch mute sequence overrides an unmute command or a volume
command. While a mute is active, the commanded channels are muted. When a channel is unmated, the
volume level goes to the last commanded volume setting that has been received for that channel.
If MCLK or SCLK is stopped, the TAS5518 performs a bank switch operation. If the clocks should start up once
the manual bank switch command has been received, the bank switch operation is performed during the 5ms
silent start sequence.
2.5.2 Automatic Bank Selection
To enable automatic bank selection, a value of 3 is written into in the bank selection bits of the bank control
register. Banks are associated with one or more sample rates by writing values into the Bank 1 or Bank 2 data
rate selection registers. The automatic base selection is performed when a frequency change is detected
according to the following scheme: