Advance Information
ATA Flash Disk Controller
SST55LD019A / SST55LD019B / SST55LD019C
2004 Silicon Storage Technology, Inc.
Hosts should not issue more than one non-volatile Set-Max-Address command after a Power-on or hardware reset.
Devices should report an IDNF error upon receiving a second non-volatile Set-Max-Address command after a
Power-on or hardware reset.
The contents of Identify-Device words and the max address will not be changed if a Set-Max-Address command
After a successful Set-Max-Address command using a new maximum cylinder number value the content of all
Identify-Device words must comply with the following:
1. The content of words 3, 6, 55, and 56 are unchanged
2. The content of word 1 will equal (the new Set-Max cylinder number + 1) or 16,383, whichever is less
3. The content of words (61:60) equals [(the new content of word 1 as determined by the successful Set-Max-
Address command) * (the content of word 3) * (the content of word 6)]
4. If the content of words (61:60) as determined by a successful Set-Max-Address command is less than
16,514,064, then the content of word 54 should be equal to [(the content of words (61:60)) ÷ ((the content of
Identify-Device word 55) * (the content of word 56)] or 65,535, whichever is less.
5. If the content of word (61:60), as determined by a successful Set-Max-Address command, is greater than
16,514,064, then word 54 should equal the whole number result of [[(16,514,064) ÷ [(the content of word 55) *
(the content of word 56)]] or 65,535 whichever is less). The content of words (58:57) should be equal to [(the
new content of word 54 as determined by the successful Set-Max-Address command) * (the content of word
55) * (the content of word 56)].
After a successful Set-Max-Address command using a new maximum LBA address the content of all Identify-
Device words must comply with the following:
The content of words (61:60) should equal the new Maximum LBA address + 1.
If the content of words (61:60) is greater than 16,514,064 and if the device does not support CHS addressing,
then the content of words 1, 3, 6, 54, 55, 56, and (58:57) should equal zero.
If the device supports CHS addressing:
The content of words 3, 6, 55, and 56 are unchanged.
If the new content of words (61:60) is less than 16,514,064, then the content of word 1 should equal [(the new
content of words (61:60)) ÷ [(the content of word 3) * (the content of word 6)]] or 65,535, whichever is less.
If the new content of words (61:60) is greater than or equal to 16,514,064, then the content of word 1 should be
equal to 16,383.
If the new content of words (61:60) is less than 16,514,064, then the content of word 54 should equal [(the new
content of words (61:60)) ÷ [(the content of word 55) * (the content of word 56)]].
If the new content of words (61:60) is greater than or equal to 16,514,064, then the content of word 54 should
equal 16,383.
Words (58:57) should equal [(the content of word 54) * (the content of word 55) * (the content of word 56).