±0.3% Trim Range
Center pot
for zero
–1.5mV to +3mV
Figure 1. Offset Adjust
Figure 2. Gain Adjust
outputs when high and starts the conversion
when low. CS and CE may also be used with
R/C to initiate a conversion. The last of the three
inputs to reach the correct state starts the conver-
sion, therefore one, two or all three may be
dynamically controlled. The nominal delay from
all three is the same and they may change state
simultaneously. In order to ensure that a particu-
lar input controls the conversion the other two
should be set up at least 50ns earlier. The
STATUS line indicates when a conversion is in
process and when it is complete. The A
input is
used to configure the output data.
The conversion cycle is started when R/C is
brought low and must be held low for a minimum
of 50ns. The R/C signal will also put the output
latches in a tri-state mode when low. Approxi-
mately 200ns after R/C is low, STATUS will
change from low to high. This output signal will
stay high while the
is performing a
conversion. Valid data will be latched to the
output bus, through internal control, 500ns prior
to the STATUS line transitioning from a high to
Reading the Data
The output data buffers will remain in a high
impedance state until the following four condi-
tions are met: R/C is HIGH, STATUS is LOW,
CE is HIGH and CS is LOW. The data lines
become active in response to the four conditions
and will latch data according to the conditions of
line. Please refer to
Figure 5
for the appropri-
ate timing. All conditions must be met at least
50ns prior to reading the data to allow sufficient
time for the output latches to come out of the high
impedance state. A
is used to access the data.
The first 8 MSBs will be on pins 26 through 19,
with pin 26 being the MSB. The remaining 4
LSBs will be on pins 23 through 26 with pin 23
being the LSB. When A
is switched from one
state to the next, there is a 50ns output latch
propagation delay between the MSBs and LSBs
being present on the output pins.
The calibration procedure for the
sists of adjusting the most negative input voltage
(0V) to the ideal output code for offset adjust-
ment, and then adjusting the most positive input
voltage (5.0V) to its ideal output code for gain
Offset Adjustment
The offset adjustment must be completed first.
Please refer to
Figure 1
. Apply an input voltage
of 0.5LSB or 610
V to any multiplexer input.
Adjust the offset potentiometer so that the output
code fluctuates evenly between 000…000 and
000…001. It is only necessary to observe the
lower eight LSB’s during this procedure.
Gain Adjustment
With the offset adjusted, the gain error can now
be trimmed to zero. The ideal input voltage
corresponding to 1.5 LSB’s below the nominal
full scale input value, or +4.988V, is applied to
any multiplexer input. The gain potentiometer is
adjusted so that the output code alternates evenly
between 111…111 and 111…110. Again, only
the lower eight LSB’s need be observed during
this procedure. With the above adjustment made,
the converter is now calibrated.