www. Silicore. com. cn
With the components shown, the output frequency chops between 512Hz (f
) and
640 Hz (f
) at 10Hz (f
) rate.
The loudspeaker load is coupled through a 1300W to 8W transformer.
The output coupling capacitor C5 is required with transformer coupled loads.
When driving a pizeo-ceramic transducer type load, the coupling C5 and
transformer (1300
) are not required.
However, a current limiting resistor is required.
The low frequency oscillator oscillates at a rate (FL) controlled by an external
resistor (R2) and capacitor (C2).
The frequency can be determined using the relation f
=1/1.289 R2* C2. The high
frequency oscillates at a f
, f
controlled by an external resistor (R3) and capacitor
(C3). The frequency can be determined using the relation f
=1/1.504 R3*C3 and
= 1/1.203 R3*C3.
Pin 2 of the SC9106 allows connection of external resistor RSL, which is used to
program the slope of the supply current vs supply voltage characteristics (see Fig.3),
and hence the supply current up to the initiation voltage (Vsi). This initiation voltage
remains constant independent of RSL.
The supply current drawn prior to triggering varies inversely with RSL,
decreasing for increasing value of resistance. Thus, increasing the value of RSL, will
decrease the amount of AC ringing current required to trigger the device. As such,
longer subscriber loops are possible since less voltage is dropped per unit length of
loop wire due to the lower current level. RSL can also be used to compensated for
smaller AC coupling capacitors (C5 on application circuit) (higher impedance) to the
line which can be used to alter the ringer equivalence number of a tone ringer circuit.
The graph in Fig.3 illustrates the variation of supply current with supply voltage
of the SC9106.
Three curves are drawn to show the variation of initiation current with RSL.
Curve B ( RSL=6.8k
) shows the I-V characteristic for SC9106 tone ringer. Curve A
is a plot with RSL<6.8k
and shows an increase in the current drawn up to the
initiation voltage Vsi. The I-V characteristic after initiation remains unchanged. Curve
C illustrates the effect of increasing RSL above 6.8kW initiation current decreases but
again current after triggering is unchanged.