Device User Guide — 9S12DT128DGV2/D V02.15
Freescale Semiconductor
Do not write or read Byteflight registers (after reset: address range $0300 - $035F), if using a
Fill the four CAN0 interrupt vectors ($FFB0 - $FFB7) according to your coding policies for
Fill the four CAN1 interrupt vectors ($FFA8 - $FFAF) according to your coding policies for
Fill the four CAN4 interrupt vectors ($FF90 - $FF97) according to your coding policies for
Fill the BDLC interrupt vector ($FFC2, $FFC3) according to your coding policies for unused
Fill the IIC interrupt vector ($FFC0, $FFC1) according to your coding policies for unused
Fill the four Byteflight interrupt vectors ($FFA0 - $FFA7) according to your coding policies for
The CAN0 pin functionality (TXCAN0, RXCAN0) is not available on port PJ7, PJ6, PM5,
PM4, PM3, PM2, PM1 and PM0, if using a derivative without CAN0 (see (Table 0-1) and
The CAN1 pin functionality (TXCAN1, RXCAN1) is not available on port PM3 and PM2, if
The CAN4 pin functionality (TXCAN4, RXCAN4) is not available on port PJ7, PJ6, PM7,
The BDLC pin functionality (TXB, RXB) is not available on port PM1 and PM0, if using a
The IIC pin functionality (SCL, SCA) is not available on port PJ7 and PJ6, if using a derivative
The Byteflight pin functionality (BF_PSLM, BF_PERR, BF_PROK, BF_PSYN, TX_BF,
RX_BF) is not available on port PM7, PM6, PM5, PM4, PM3 and PM2, if using a derivative
Do not write MODRR1 and MODRR0 Bit of Module Routing Register (PIM_9DTB128 Block
Do not write MODRR3 and MODRR2 Bit of Module Routing Register (PIM_9DTB128 Block
Pins not available in 80 pin QFP package for MC9S12DG128E, MC9S12DG128,
MC9S12DJ128E, MC9S12DJ128, MC9S12A128, SC515847, SC515848, SC101161DG,
SC101161DJ, SC102203, and SC102204