Interrupt (S12XINTV2)
S12XS Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.13
Freescale Semiconductor
S12X Exception Requests
The CPU handles both reset requests and interrupt requests. The XINT module contains registers to
congure the priority level of each I bit maskable interrupt request which can be used to implement an
interrupt priority scheme. This also includes the possibility to nest interrupt requests. A priority decoder
is used to evaluate the priority of a pending interrupt request.
Interrupt Prioritization
After system reset all interrupt requests with a vector address lower than or equal to (vector base + 0x00F2)
are enabled, are set up to be handled by the CPU and have a pre-congured priority level of 1. Exceptions
to this rule are the non-maskable interrupt requests and the spurious interrupt vector request at (vector base
+ 0x0010) which cannot be disabled, are always handled by the CPU and have a xed priority levels. A
priority level of 0 effectively disables the associated I bit maskable interrupt request.
If more than one interrupt request is congured to the same interrupt priority level the interrupt request
with the higher vector address wins the prioritization.
The following conditions must be met for an I bit maskable interrupt request to be processed.
1. The local interrupt enabled bit in the peripheral module must be set.
2. The setup in the conguration register associated with the interrupt request channel must meet the
following conditions:
a) The XGATE request enable bit must be 0 to have the CPU handle the interrupt request.
b) The priority level must be set to non zero.
c) The priority level must be greater than the current interrupt processing level in the condition
code register (CCR) of the CPU (PRIOLVL[2:0] > IPL[2:0]).
3. The I bit in the condition code register (CCR) of the CPU must be cleared.
4. There is no access violation interrupt request pending.
5. There is no SYS, SWI, BDM, TRAP, or XIRQ request pending.
All non I bit maskable interrupt requests always have higher priority than
I bit maskable interrupt requests. If an I bit maskable interrupt request is
interrupted by a non I bit maskable interrupt request, the currently active
interrupt processing level (IPL) remains unaffected. It is possible to nest
non I bit maskable interrupt requests, e.g., by nesting SWI or TRAP calls.
Interrupt Priority Stack
The current interrupt processing level (IPL) is stored in the condition code register (CCR) of the CPU. This
way the current IPL is automatically pushed to the stack by the standard interrupt stacking procedure. The
new IPL is copied to the CCR from the priority level of the highest priority active interrupt request channel
which is congured to be handled by the CPU. The copying takes place when the interrupt vector is
fetched. The previous IPL is automatically restored by executing the RTI instruction.