S12 Clock, Reset and Power Management Unit (S12CPMU)
S12P-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.13
Freescale Semiconductor
Write: Refer to each bit for individual write conditions
The adaptive spike lter uses the VCO clock as a reference to continuously
qualify the external oscillator clock. Because of this, the PLL is always active
and a valid PLL conguration is required for the system to work properly.
Furthermore, the adaptive spike lter is used to determine the status of the
external oscillator (reected in the UPOSC bit). Since this function also relies on
the VCO clock, loosing PLL lock status (LOCK=0, except for entering Pseudo
Stop Mode) means loosing the oscillator status information as well (UPOSC=0).
Table 7-3. CPMUFLG Field Descriptions
Real Time Interrupt Flag — RTIF is set to 1 at the end of the RTI period. This ag can only be cleared by writing
a 1. Writing a 0 has no effect. If enabled (RTIE=1), RTIF causes an interrupt request.
0 RTI time-out has not yet occurred.
1 RTI time-out has occurred.
Power on Reset Flag — PORF is set to 1 when a power on reset occurs. This ag can only be cleared by writing
a 1. Writing a 0 has no effect.
0 Power on reset has not occurred.
1 Power on reset has occurred.
Low Voltage Reset Flag — LVRF is set to 1 when a low voltage reset occurs. This ag can only be cleared by
writing a 1. Writing a 0 has no effect.
0 Low voltage reset has not occurred.
1 Low voltage reset has occurred.
PLL Lock Interrupt Flag — LOCKIF is set to 1 when LOCK status bit changes. This ag can only be cleared by
writing a 1. Writing a 0 has no effect.If enabled (LOCKIE=1), LOCKIF causes an interrupt request.
0 No change in LOCK bit.
1 LOCK bit has changed.
Lock Status Bit — LOCK reects the current state of PLL lock condition. Writes have no effect. While PLL is
unlocked (LOCK=0) fPLL is fVCO / 4 to protect the system from high core clock frequencies during the PLL
stabilization time tlock.
0 VCOCLK is not within the desired tolerance of the target frequency.
fPLL = fVCO/4.
1 VCOCLK is within the desired tolerance of the target frequency.
Illegal Address Reset Flag — ILAF is set to 1 when an illegal address reset occurs. Refer to MMC chapter for
details. This ag can only be cleared by writing a 1. Writing a 0 has no effect.
0 Illegal address reset has not occurred.
1 Illegal address reset has occurred.
Oscillator Interrupt Flag — OSCIF is set to 1 when UPOSC status bit changes. This ag can only be cleared
by writing a 1. Writing a 0 has no effect.If enabled (OSCIE=1), OSCIF causes an interrupt request.
0 No change in UPOSC bit.
1 UPOSC bit has changed.
Oscillator Status Bit — UPOSC reects the status of the oscillator. Writes have no effect. While UPOSC=0 the
OSCCLK going to the MSCAN module is off. Entering Full Stop Mode UPOSC is cleared.
0 The oscillator is off or oscillation is not qualied by the PLL.
1 The oscillator is qualied by the PLL.