S29CD-J & S29CL-J Flash Family
S29CD-J_CL-J_00_B3 March 30, 2009
Da ta
Sh e e t
Input/Output Descriptions and Logic
Changed RY/BY# description.
Physical Dimensions/Connection
Changed note on connection diagrams.
Additional Resources
Updated contact information.
Hardware Reset (RESET#)
Added section.
Updated third and fourth paragraphs in section. Updated Autoselect Codes table.
Erase Suspend / Erase Resume
Modified second paragraph. Replaced allowable operations table with bulleted list.
Program Suspend / Program Resume
Replaced allowable operations table with bulleted list.
Reset Command
Added section.
Secured Silicon Sector Flash Memory
Modified Secured Silicon Sector Addresses table.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Modified VCC and VIO ratings. Modified Note 1.
Operating Ranges
Modified specification titles and descriptions (no specification value changes).
DC Characteristics, CMOS Compatible
Modified ICCB specification. Deleted Note 5. Added Note 3 references to table.
Burst Mode Read for 32 Mb and 16 Mb
Modified tADVCS, tCLKH, tCLKL, tAAVS specifications. Added tRSTZ, tWADVH1, and tWADVH2
specifications. Added Notes 2 and 3, and note references to table.
Synchronous Command Write/Read
Timing figure
Added tWADVH1 and tWADVH2 to figure. Deleted tACS and tACH from figure.
Hardware Reset (RESET#)
Added table to section.
Erase/Program Operations table
Added note references. Deleted tOEP specification.
Erase and Programming Performance
Changed Double Word Program Time specification.
Common Flash Memory Interface (CFI)
CFI System Interface String table: Changed description and data for addresses 1Bh and 1Ch.
Device Geometry Definition table: Changed description and data for address 27h.
Revision B1 (September 27, 2006)
Data sheet format reorganized.
Distinctive Characteristics
Changed cycling endurance specification to typical.
Performance Characteristics
Changed tBACC specifications for 66 MHz, 56 MHz, 40 MHz speed options.
Ordering Information
Added quantities to packing type descriptions, restructured table for easier reference.
S29CD-J & S29CL-J Flash Family
Autoselect Codes (High Voltage
In table, modified description of read cycle 3 DQ7–DQ0.
DQ6 and DQ2 Indications
In table, corrected third column heading
Section 8.9, Reset Command
Added table.
Section 13.1, Absolute Maximum
Deleted OE# from section.
Table 18.3, Burst Mode Read for 32 Mb
and 16 Mb
In table, changed tADVCS, tBDH specifications. Modified description for tIACC. Deleted minimum
specifications for tAAVH.
Burst Mode Read (x32 Mode)
In figure, modified period for tIACC in drawing.
Revision B2 (March 7, 2007)
Distinctive Characteristics
Corrected number of 16K sectors in 16 Mb devices. Modified read access times table.
Ordering Information
Changed boot sector option part number designators. Changed valid combinations. Modified 10th
character option descriptions.
Block Diagram
Deleted WORD# input.
2-, 4-, 8- Double Word Linear Burst
In 32- Bit Linear and Burst Data Order table, deleted reference to WORD# input.
Sector Erase
Modified second paragraph; added reference to application note.