User Triggered Single Measurement Mode
In the UT mode, the user starts a single comparison by writing a one to the User Start Single
Comparison bit (CTRL.USTART). This mode is enabled by writing CONFn.MODE to 2. After the
startup time has passed, a single comparison is done and SR is updated. Appropriate peripheral
events and interrupts are also generated. No new comparisons will be performed.
CTRL.USTART is cleared automatically by hardware when the single comparison has been
Event Triggered Single Measurement Mode
This mode is enabled by writing CONFn.MODE to 3 and Peripheral Event Trigger Enable
(CTRL.EVENTEN) to one. The ET mode is similar to the UT mode, the difference is that a
peripheral event from another hardware module causes the hardware to automatically set the
Peripheral Event Start Single Comparison bit (CTRL.ESTART). After the startup time has
passed, a single comparison is done and SR is updated. Appropriate peripheral events and
interrupts are also generated. No new comparisons will be performed. CTRL.ESTART is cleared
automatically by hardware when the single comparison has been done.
Selecting Comparator Inputs
Each Analog Comparator has one positive (INP) and one negative (INN) input. The positive
input is fed from an external input pin (ACPn). The negative input can either be fed from an
external input pin (ACNn) or from a reference voltage common to all ACs (ACREFN).
The user selects the input source as follows:
In normal mode with the Negative Input Select and Positive Input Select fields
In window mode with CONFn.INSELN, CONFn.INSELP and CONFn+1.INSELN,
CONFn+1,INSELP. The user must configure CONFn.INSELN and CONFn+1.INSELP to the
same source.
Interrupt Generation
The interrupt request will be generated if the corresponding bit in the Interrupt Mask Register
(IMR) is set. Bits in IMR are set by writing a one to the corresponding bit in the Interrupt Enable
Register (IER), and cleared by writing a one to the corresponding bit in the Interrupt Disable
Register (IDR). The interrupt request remains active until the corresponding bit in ISR is cleared
by writing a one to the corresponding bit in the Interrupt Status Clear Register (ICR).
Peripheral Event Generation
The ACIFB can be set up so that certain comparison results notify other parts of the device via
which comparison results can generate events, and how to configure the ACIFB to achieve this.
Zero or one event will be generated per comparison.
Normal Mode
In normal mode all Analog Comparators are operating independently.
Normal Mode Output
Each Analog Comparator generates one output ACOUT according to the input voltages on INP
(AC positive input) and INN (AC negative input):