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Operating Features of the PT4741 Quad-Output
DC/DC Converter for DSL Line Drivers
Balanced Load Fault Protection
A balanced load fault is the result of excess current flowing
from one +V
output directly to the corresponding –V
output. The current flowing in or out of the COM node
(pins 19 & 24) under this condition is within normal
operating limits. Both (±)dual outputs from the PT4741
DC/DC converter incorporate protection against this
type of load fault. This includes an absolute current limit
in combination with a fault timeout period. When the
balanced fault current from either ±dual output exceeds
the “Balanced Load Current Limit Threshold” (see data
sheet specifications), the converter initially limits the
fault current to approximately 200% of the maximum
output current rating. If the fault persists for more than
200ms the converter shuts down, forcing the voltage at
all four regulated outputs to simultaneously fall to zero.
Following shutdown the converter will periodically
attempt to recover by executing a soft-start power-up.
The converter will continually cycle through successive
over-current shutdowns and restarts until the fault is
Imbalanced Load Fault Protection
An imbalanced load fault is the result of excess current
flowing between any one of the +V
(or the –V
) outputs,
and the COM node (pins 19 & 24). When the current
sensed in the COM node exceeds the “Unbalanced Load
Shutdown Threshold” (see data sheet specifications), the
PT4741 shuts down and latches off within 1ms. Once
latched off, the module must be reset by momentarily
interrupting the input power source.
Over-Temperature Protection
The PT4741 DC/DC converter has an internal tem-
perature sensor, which monitors the temperature of the
module’s internal components. If the sensed temperature
exceeds a nominal 115°C, the converter will shut down.
The converter will automatically restart when the sensed
temperature returns to about 100°C.
Under-Voltage Lock-Out
The Under-Voltage Lock-Out (UVLO) circuit prevents
operation of the converter whenever the input voltage to
the module is insufficient to maintain output regulation.
The UVLO has approximately 2V of hysterisis. This is
to prevent oscillation with a slowly changing input volt-
age. Below the UVLO threshold the module is off and
the enable control inputs, EN1 and EN2 are inoperative.
Primary-Secondary Isolation
The PT4741 DC/DC converter incorporates electrical
isolation between the input terminals (primary) and the
output terminals (secondary). All converters are production
tested to a withstand voltage of 1500VDC. The isolation
complies with UL60950 and EN60950, and the require-
ments for operational isolation. This allows the converter
to be configured for either a positive or negative input
voltage source.
The regulation control circuitry for these modules is
located on the secondary (output) side of the isolation
barrier. Control signals are passed between the primary
and secondary sides of the converter. The data sheet ‘Pin
Descriptions’ and ‘Pin-Out Information’ provides guid-
ance as to which reference (primary or secondary) that
must be used for each of the external control signals.
Input Current Limiting
The converter is not internally fused.
For safety and
overall system protection, the maximum input current to
the converter must be limited. Active or passive current
limiting can be used. Passive current limiting can be a
fast acting fuse. A 125-V fuse, rated no more than 10A,
is recommended. Active current limiting can be imple-
mented with a current limited “Hot-Swap” controller.
Application Notes