Application Notes
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PT4660 & PT4680 Series
Operating Features & System Considerations for the
PT4660/PT4680 Dual-Output DC/DC Converters
Over-Current Protection
The dual-outputs of the PT4660 and PT4680 series of
DC/DC converters have independent output voltage
regulation and current limit control. Applying a load
current in excess of the current limit threshold at either
output will cause the respective output voltage to drop.
However, the voltage at Vo
is derived from Vo
. There-
fore a current limit fault on Vo
will also cause Vo
drop. Conversely, a current limit fault applied to Vo
will only cause Vo
voltage to drop, and Vo
will remain
in regulation.
The current limit circuitry incorporates a limited amount
of foldback. The fault current flowing into an absolute
short circuit is therefore slightly less than the current
limit threshold. Recovery from a current limit fault is
automatic and the converter will not be damaged by a
continuous short circuit at either output.
Output Over-Voltage Protection
Each output is monitored for over voltage (OV). For fail
safe operation and redundancy, the OV fault detection
circuitry uses a separate reference to the voltage regulation
circuits. The OV threshold is fixed, and set nominally 25%
higher than the set-point output voltage. If either output
exceeds the threshold, the converter is shutdown and
must be actively reset. The OV protection circuit can be
reset by momentarily turning the converter off. This is
accomplished by either cycling one of the output enable
control pins (EN1 or EN2), or by removing the input
power to the converter.
Note: If Vo
or Vo
is adjusted to a
higher voltage, the margin between the respective steady-state
output voltage and its OV threshold is reduced. This can make
the module sensitive to OV fault detection, that may result
from random noise and load transients.
Over-Temperature Protection
The PT4660/80 DC/DC converters have an internal
temperature sensor, which monitors the temperature of
the module’s metal case. If the case temperature exceeds
a nominal 115°C the converter will shut down. The
converter will automatically restart when the sensed
temperature returns to about 100°C. The analog voltage
generated by the sensor is also made available at the
‘TEMP’ output (pin 5), and can be monitored by the host
system for diagnostic purposes. Consult the ‘Pin Descrip-
tions’ section of the data sheet for further information on
this feature.
Under-Voltage Lock-Out
The Under-Voltage Lock-Out (UVLO) circuit prevents
operation of the converter whenever the input voltage to
the module is insufficient to maintain output regulation.
The UVLO has approximately 2V of hysterisis. This is
to prevent oscillation with a slowly changing input voltage.
Below the UVLO threshold the module is off and the
enable control inputs, EN1 and EN2 are inoperative.
Primary-Secondary Isolation
The PT4460/80 series of DC/DC converters incorporate
electrical isolation between the input terminals (primary)
and the output terminals (secondary). All converters are
production tested to a withstand voltage of 1500VDC.
The isolation complies with UL60950 and EN60950,
and the requirements for operational isolation. This
allows the converter to be configured for either a positive
or negative input voltage source.
The regulation control circuitry for these modules is
located on the secondary (output) side of the isolation
barrier. Control signals are passed between the primary
and secondary sides of the converter via a proprietory
magnetic coupling scheme. This eliminates the use of
opto-couplers. The data sheet ‘Pin Descriptions’ and
‘Pin-Out Information’ provides guidance as to which
reference (primary or secondary) that must be used for
each of the external control signals.
Fuse Recommendations
If desired an input fuse may be added to protect against
the application of a reverse input voltage.