PSB 2115
PSF 2115
Functional Description
Semiconductor Group
The two serial interfaces of the IPAC provide two fully independent channels for B-
channel communication.
Serial Interface
This operating mode has been designed for application in time-slot oriented PCM
It is well known as “Clock Mode 5“ from the HSCX-TE PSB 21525.
The receive and transmit clock is identical for both channels and is generated from the
double rate bit clock at the DCL pin, i.e. the bit clock frequency is DCL/2. The IPAC
receives and transmits only during certain time-slots of programmable width (1 … 256
bit, via RCCR and XCCR registers) and location with respect to a frame synchronization
signal, which is determined via the FSC pin. One of up to 64 time-slots can be
programmed independently for receive and transmit direction via TSAR and TSAX
registers, and an additional clock shift of 0 … 7 bits via TSAR, TSAX, and CCR2
registers. Together with bits XCS0 and RCS0 (LSB of clock shift), located in the CCR2
register, there are 9 bits to determine the location of a time-slot.
According to the value programmed via those bits, the receive/transmit window
(time-slot) starts with a delay of 1 (minimum delay) up to 512 clock periods following the
frame synchronization signal and is active during the number of clock periods
programmed via RCCR, XCCR (number of bits to be received/transmitted within a time-
slot) as shown in
figure 11
Within one frame the B1-channel occupies bit 0...7 and the B2-channel bit 8...15.
Considering the minimum delay of 1 bit, the host programs the previous channel with 7
bits clock shift in order to access a certain channel.
Clock Mode 5 (Time-Slots)
Note: The previous channel of the B1-channel is the last of the IOM-2 frame, e.g. in TE
mode (DCL=1.536 MHz) the channel number is 11 (12th timelsot).
Table 1
0 (B1-channel)
Programming of Timeslots
No. of previous channel
(see note)
1 (B2-channel)