M68HC11 operating mode is determined by the logic state of the MODA and MODB pins during system re-
set or power up. To configure the MCU for expanded mode operation, make the reset state of the MODA
pin HIGH by pulling it up to VDD through a pullup resistor.
PSD software must be used to configure the PSD. There are two different software packages available.
PSD-SILVER software supports the PSD3XX devices and includes the MAPLE and MAPPRO software
modules which run under the DOS platform. MAPLE software is used to configure the PSD chip. It features
simple menu driven commands for selecting different device configurations. It also provides mapping of the
EPROM, SRAM, and chip select outputs into the user's address space, and locates the files to be pro-
grammed into the EPROM segments. MAPPRO enables the user to program PSDs on a WSI MagicPro III
PSDsoft WS7001 or WS7002 software supports the PSD3XX, PSD4XX, and PSD5XX families and runs
under MicroSoft Windows (PSD3XX support included in PSDsoft available Q295). It includes PSDabel,
PSD configuration, PSD compiler, PSDsilos III simulator, and PSD programming software. The PSDsoft en-
vironment allows design and simulation of the on-chip PLD logic under Data I/O ABEL, PSD interface se-
lections to any MCU, configuration of the I/O, and address mapping of the EPROM and SRAM memory,
among other things.
PSD-to-M68HC11 interface configuration is simple and straightforward. Configuration is performed by se-
lecting certain option bits in the PSD software package. For MC68HC11A, C, D, E, and L devices, the PSD
is configured for multiplexed mode. For MC68HC11F, K, and P devices, the PSD is configured for non-mul-
tiplexed mode. For all versions of the M68HC11, the other option bits on the PSD device are set as follows:
R/W and E mode, active high AS (ALE), active low RESET, and combined memory mode. To complete the
configuration process, PSD Ports A and B must be configured as general-purpose I/O, to replace M68HC11
Ports B and C, which are used for address and data lines when the MCU is operating in expanded mode.
For a better understanding of the M68HC11 to PSD interface configuration information, please refer to the
pin descriptions section of the appropriate Motorola data book and to Table 5 and Figure 12 in WSI Appli-
cations Note 011 for PSD3XX devices, and the section beginning with Figure 12 in Applications Note 029
for PSD4XX/5XX devices.
To convert from an M68HC711 system to a system that uses a ROM-less M68HC11 and a PSD, the content
of the M68HC711 ROM must be transferred to PSD EPROM, and mapped externally. The default state of
the ROMON bit in the CONFIG register of ROM-less M68HC11 devices is zero, so all accesses to the ROM
address space automatically go external. Virtually no change in the MCU address map is required because
PSD EPROM can be mapped anywhere on a block boundary using the address map menu in the PSD soft-
For example, assume a PSD device with 32 Kbytes of EPROM is selected. The PSD311 has eight blocks
of 4 Kbyte x 8 EPROM. Each block can be mapped on a 4-Kbyte block boundary in the address range as
originally defined in the OTP application. The PSD411A1 has four blocks of 8 Kbyte x 8 EPROM, and each
can be mapped to an 8-Kbyte block boundary. Please refer to the modes and memory section of the appro-
priate Motorola data book, to Figure 32 in WSI Applications Note 011 for the PSD3XX, and to Table 7 in
WSI Applications Note 029 for the PSD4XX/PSD5XX devices.
For PSDs that include an additional 2 Kbyte x 8 SRAM, the SRAM can be mapped anywhere within the ad-
dress space on a 2-Kbyte boundary to extend the SRAM already supplied on the M68HC11.
PSDs also offer from 19 to 40 configurable I/O pins that can replace I/O pins that are used for other purposes
when the M68HC11 operates in expanded mode or enhance the function of the available ports. The pro-
grammable I/O is addressed via an offset from a base address that is selected in the PSD software. These