Low ON Resistance 8-Channel, 2-Channel,
Applications Information
Power-Supply Considerations
The PS4530A/PS4531A/PS4532A construction is typical of most
CMOS analog Switches. They have three supply pins: V+, V, and
GND. V+ and V- drive the the internal CMOS switches and set the
limits of the analog voltage on any switch. Reverse ESD-protection
diodes are internally connected between each analog-signal pin
and both V+ and V-. One of these diodes conducts if any signal
exceeds V+ or V-. During normal operation, these and other
reverse-biased ESD diodes leak, forming the only current drawn
from V+ or V.
Virtually all of the analog leakage current comes from the ESD
diodes. Although the ESD diodes on a given signal pine are iden-
tical and therefore fairly well balanced, they are reverse biased
differently. Each is biased by either V+ or V- and the analog signal.
This means their leakages vary as the signal varies. The difference
in the two diode leakages to the V+ and V pins constitutes the
analog-signal-path leakage current. All analog leakage current flows
between each pin and one of the supply terminals, not to the other
switch terminal. For this reason, both sides of a given switch can
show leakage currents of either the same or opposite polarity.
The signal paths and GND are not connected.
V+ and GND power the internal logic and logic-level translators,
and set both the input and output logic limits. The logic level
translators convert the logic levels into switched V+ and V- sig-
nals to drive the analog signals gates. This drive signal is the only
connection between the logic supplies and signals and the analog
supplies. V+ and V- have ESD-protection diodes to GND.
The logic-level thresholds are TTL/CMOS compatible when
V+ = +5V. As V+ rises, the threshold increases slightly, so when
V+ reaches +12V, the threshold is about 3.1V above the TTL
guaranteed, high-level minimum of 2.8V, but still compatible with
CMOS outputs.
Bipolar Supplies
The PS4530A/PS4531A/PS4532A operate with bipolar supplies
between ±2.0V and ±6V. V+ and V- supplies need not be symmetri-
cal, but their sum cannot exceed the +13V absolute maximum rating.
Single Supply
PS4530A/PS4531A/PS4532A operate from a single supply
between +2V and 12V when V is connected to GND. All bipolar
precautions must be observed. At room temperature, they actually
work with a single supply at, near, or below +1.7V, although as
supply voltage decreases, switch on-resistance and switching times
become very high.
High-Frequency Performance
In 50Ohm systerns, signal response is reasonably flat up to 50MHz
(see Typical Operating Characteristics). Above 20MHz, the on
response has several minor peaks that are highly layout depen-
dent. The problem is not in turning the switch on, but in turning it
off. The off-state switch acts lilke a capacitor and passes higher
frequencies with less attenuation. At 10MHz, off isolation is about
65dB in 50 Ohm systems, becoming worse (approximately 21dB
per decade) as frequency increases. Higher circuit impedances
also make off isolation worse. Adjacent channel attenuation is
about 3dB above that of a bare IC socket, and is due entirely to
capacitive coupling.