Optical Networks
– H i g h l i g h ts –
Product Brief
PB PRS / v0.6 / 2-10-2006
PRS 80G, PRS C48X, and PRS C192X
Switch Fabric
Switch Fabric Solution with Carrier
Class QoS Features for
Applications up to 80 Gbps
The AMCC PRS 80G is a switch device for
systems in the range of 20-to-80 Gbps of
aggregate user bandwidth. The PRS 80G is a
cell switch, shared-memory device, which
provides 80 Gbps of switching capacity. It uses
.13-micron technology and embedded
3.2-Gbps SerDes to deliver 40 Gbps (one
device) or 80 Gbps (two devices) of user
bandwidth with an overspeed factor of two.
Along with the AMCC PRS C48X and
PRS C192X fabric interface devices, the
PRS 80G addresses the critical QoS needs of
a wide range of highly demanding applications
that handle any mix of real-time and best effort
traffic in the WAN multi-services, Wireless
Infrastructure, Metro Ethernet, Enterprise, and
TDM spaces. The PRS 80G provides low
latency, carrier class QoS and full bandwidth
multicast to efficiently handle real-time traffic
(including TDM) and enable convergence of
voice, video, and data traffic over a single
network infrastructure. It fits the requirements
of the new carrier services, while leveraging
previous carrier investments by providing the
capability to switch IP and TDM traffic
concurrently on the same platform.
The PRS 80G is an integral part of a complete
system solution with AMCC's nP37xx
integrated network processor and traffic
manager products, framers, PHYs, PowerPC
processors, and software. To facilitate the
evaluation and prototyping of complete
solutions, AMCC also offers an 80-Gbps
reference switch board, as well as ATCA
Switch boards, featuring the AMCC PRS 80G.
RoHS Compliance to Enable Lead
Free Designs
The PRS 80G switch device and the
PRS C48X and PRS C192X fabric interface
devices are all available in two versions: the
leaded version, for lead soldering process, and
the version complying with the directive on the
Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous
Substances (RoHS) and enabling lead free
PRS 80G Switch Device, PRS C48X
and PRS C192X Fabric Interface
The PRS 80G device performs the switch core
function, in configurations of one or two
devices, depending on the switching capacity
needs. The PRS C48X and PRS C192X
devices perform the queuing manager function
of the PRS 80G-based switches. An adapter
card can be equipped with either a PRS C48X
interfacing a 2.5-Gbps / OC-48 network
processor or a PRS C192X interfacing a
10-Gbps / OC-192 network processor or up to
four 2.5-Gbps / OC-48 network processors.
Scalability and Multiple Port
The PRS 80G switch, in conjunction with the
PRS C48X and PRS C192X fabric interface
devices, provides 40 Gbps (one device) or
80 Gbps (two devices) of full-duplex aggregate
user bandwidth with an overspeed factor
per-port of two to match wire-speed
requirements for all possible traffic patterns,
with all line protocols.
The PRS 80G enables the design of switch
fabrics with up to 32 ports for network
processors that support OC-48c and multi-GE
applications, or up to eight ports for network
processors that support OC-192c, 10-Gbps,
and multi-GE applications, or any intermediate
mix of those ports.
QoS Enforcement at Media Speed
The PRS 80G enables full bandwidth
utilization of the media connected to the
payload boards, and still maintains high QoS
End-to-end flow control mechanisms
through the switch fabric, and
programmable flow control thresholds
(including multicast), enabling 100%
utilization of the media bandwidth while
maintaining low jitter
Natively multicast switching technology,
enabling full bandwidth multicast while
maintaining low switching delay
QoS Enforcement at Media
Speed, Real-Time Traffic Sup-
port, Full Bandwidth Multicast
Non-blocking, shared-memory switch
fabric chip set: PRS 80G Cell Switch
device providing 80 Gbps of
aggregate switching capacity,
PRS C48X and PRS C192X fabric
interface devices (queue managers)
Full chip set (PRS 80G, PRS C48X,
and PRS C192X) available in RoHS
compliant version for lead free
40 Gbps or 80 Gbps of full-duplex
aggregate user bandwidth with a
per-port overspeed factor of two
QoS enforcement at media speed
Real-time traffic support (guaranteed
precedence of time-sensitive traffic
over other traffic types)
Multicast and broadcast full bandwidth
support (100% line utilization) while
preserving low switching delay
Deterministic low latency, typically a
few microseconds for high priority
traffic under worst case conditions
(100% traffic load)
Traffic scheduling QoS options: strict
priority scheduling, weighted round-
robin, exhaustive highest priority first
End-to-end, in-band flow control
mechanisms through the switch fabric
Redundant switch board operations:
hot standby mode, load sharing mode,
maintenance switchover (cell
AMCC SSC software for
configuration, monitoring, and control
of the switch board and AMCC
SWICC software, a PC tool for local/
remote testing (traffic generation,
digital eye, and so on)
Evaluation switch boards, including
ATCA Switch boards, featuring the
System solution with AMCC's nP37xx,
framers, PHYs, and PowerPC
processors, and interoperability with
third-party network processor devices