1.型號:(Type): N33 - N50 2.尺寸:(Size):任意可變尺寸,根據客戶要求訂做。(Any variable size) 3.電鍍層:(Electroplated coating): 鋅(ZN) , 鎳銅鎳( NICUNI) ,鎳(NI), 藍白鋅(Blue white zinc) , 五彩鋅(Colored zinc). 4.應用范圍:(Range of application): 電子,電器,包裝,玩具,禮品工藝品,健身磁控車,電機、微電機、計算機、儀器、儀表、摩托車、照相機、手機,鐘表、音響、家電、辦公自動化、磁療以及日常生活的各個領域。 Erange of application: Electron, electric apparatus, packaging, toy, the intersection of gift and handicraft, build up body magnetism accuse of car, electrical machinery, little electrical machinery, computer, instrument, instrument, motorcycle, camera, Mobile, each field of clock and watch, stereo, electrical home appliances, office automation, magnetotherapy and daily life. 5.目前國際先進的Parylene(派瑞林)涂層設備和國內一流的電泳生產線及先進的電檢測儀器,為產品的質量提供了可靠的保證。(Internationally advanced Parylene (派瑞林) coats apparatus and domestic and first-class electric swimming production line and advanced electric detecting instrument at present, have offered the reliable assurance for quality of the products.) 6.使用說明(Direction for use):產品磁性強,應用手平面推開.(The products are magnetic and strong, employ the level of hand to push away). 7.注意事項(Notice):此產品具有高強磁性,勿讓兒童靠近玩耍,嚴禁吞食. 產品材質脆,嚴禁相互碰撞.(This product has magnetic strong, dont let the children under the play, forbid eating. The material fragility of the products is relatively strong, forbid colliding each other)