DS61168D-page 220
2011-2012 Microchip Technology Inc.
bit 10
EDGSEQEN: Edge Sequence Enable bit
1 = Edge1 must occur before Edge2 can occur
0 = No edge sequence is needed
bit 9
IDISSEN: Analog Current Source Control bit(2)
1 = Analog current source output is grounded
0 = Analog current source output is not grounded
bit 8
CTTRIG: Trigger Control bit
1 = Trigger output is enabled
0 = Trigger output is disabled
bit 7-2
ITRIM<5:0>: Current Source Trim bits
011111 = Maximum positive change from nominal current
000001 = Minimum positive change from nominal current
000000 = Nominal current output specified by IRNG<1:0>
111111 = Minimum negative change from nominal current
100001 = Maximum negative change from nominal current
bit 1-0
IRNG<1:0>: Current Range Select bits(3)
11 = 100 times base current
10 = 10 times base current
01 = Base current level
00 = 1000 times base current(4)
Note 1: When this bit is set for Pulse Delay Generation, the EDG2SEL<2:0> bits must be set to ‘1110’ to select
2: The ADC module Sample and Hold capacitor is not automatically discharged between sample/conversion
cycles. Software using the ADC as part of a capacitive measurement, must discharge the ADC capacitor
before conducting the measurement. The IDISSEN bit, when set to ‘1’, performs this function. The ADC
module must be sampling while the IDISSEN bit is active to connect the discharge sink to the capacitor
3: Refer to the CTMU Current Source Specifications (Table 29-39) in Section 29.0 “Electrical
Characteristics” for current values.
4: This bit setting is not available for the CTMU temperature diode.