DS39977F-page 322
2010-2012 Microchip Technology Inc.
Transmission of a data byte, a 7-bit address or the
other half of a 10-bit address, is accomplished by
simply writing a value to the SSPBUF register. This
action will set the Buffer Full flag bit, BF, and allow the
Baud Rate Generator to begin counting and start the
next transmission. Each bit of address/data will be
shifted out onto the SDA pin after the falling edge of
SCL is asserted (see data hold time specification
106). SCL is held low for one Baud Rate
Generator rollover count (TBRG). Data should be valid
before SCL is released high (see data setup time spec-
ification Parameter
107). When the SCL pin is released
high, it is held that way for TBRG. The data on the SDA
pin must remain stable for that duration and some hold
time after the next falling edge of SCL. After the eighth
bit is shifted out (the falling edge of the eighth clock),
the BF flag is cleared and the master releases SDA.
This allows the slave device being addressed to
respond with an ACK bit during the ninth bit time if an
address match occurred, or if data was received prop-
erly. The status of ACK is written into the ACKDT bit on
the falling edge of the ninth clock. If the master receives
an Acknowledge, the Acknowledge Status bit,
ACKSTAT, is cleared; if not, the bit is set. After the ninth
clock, the SSPIF bit is set and the master clock (Baud
Rate Generator) is suspended until the next data byte
is loaded into the SSPBUF, leaving SCL low and SDA
After the write to the SSPBUF, each bit of the address
will be shifted out on the falling edge of SCL until all
seven address bits and the R/W bit are completed. On
the falling edge of the eighth clock, the master will
deassert the SDA pin, allowing the slave to respond
with an Acknowledge. On the falling edge of the ninth
clock, the master will sample the SDA pin to see if the
address was recognized by a slave. The status of the
ACK bit is loaded into the ACKSTAT status bit
(SSPCON2<6>). Following the falling edge of the ninth
clock transmission of the address, the SSPIF flag is
set, the BF flag is cleared and the Baud Rate Generator
is turned off until another write to the SSPBUF takes
place, holding SCL low and allowing SDA to float.
BF Status Flag
In Transmit mode, the BF bit (SSPSTAT<0>) is set
when the CPU writes to SSPBUF and is cleared when
all 8 bits are shifted out.
WCOL Status Flag
If the user writes the SSPBUF when a transmit is
already in progress (i.e., SSPSR is still shifting out a
data byte), the WCOL bit is set and the contents of the
buffer are unchanged (the write doesn’t occur) after
2TCY after the SSPBUF write. If SSPBUF is rewritten
within 2 TCY, the WCOL bit is set and SSPBUF is
updated. This may result in a corrupted transfer.
The user should verify that the WCOL bit is clear after
each write to SSPBUF to ensure the transfer is correct.
In all cases, WCOL must be cleared in software.
ACKSTAT Status Flag
In Transmit mode, the ACKSTAT bit (SSPCON2<6>) is
cleared when the slave has sent an Acknowledge
(ACK = 0) and is set when the slave does not Acknowl-
edge (ACK = 1). A slave sends an Acknowledge when
it has recognized its address (including a general call),
or when the slave has properly received its data.
Master mode reception is enabled by programming the
Receive Enable bit, RCEN (SSPCON2<3>).
The Baud Rate Generator begins counting, and on
each rollover, the state of the SCL pin changes
(high-to-low/low-to-high) and data is shifted into the
SSPSR. After the falling edge of the eighth clock, the
receive enable flag is automatically cleared, the con-
tents of the SSPSR are loaded into the SSPBUF, the
BF flag bit is set, the SSPIF flag bit is set and the Baud
Rate Generator is suspended from counting, holding
SCL low. The MSSP is now in Idle state awaiting the
next command. When the buffer is read by the CPU,
the BF flag bit is automatically cleared. The user can
then send an Acknowledge bit at the end of reception
by setting the Acknowledge Sequence Enable bit,
BF Status Flag
In receive operation, the BF bit is set when an address
or data byte is loaded into SSPBUF from SSPSR. It is
cleared when the SSPBUF register is read.
SSPOV Status Flag
In receive operation, the SSPOV bit is set when 8 bits
are received into the SSPSR and the BF flag bit is
already set from a previous reception.
WCOL Status Flag
If the user writes the SSPBUF when a receive is
already in progress (i.e., SSPSR is still shifting in a data
byte), the WCOL bit is set and the contents of the buffer
are unchanged (the write doesn’t occur).
The MSSP module must be in an inactive
state before the RCEN bit is set or the
RCEN bit will be disregarded.