DS39599G-page 44
2007 Microchip Technology Inc.
Power-on Reset (POR)
A Power-on Reset pulse is generated on-chip when
VDD rise is detected. To take advantage of the POR cir-
cuitry, just tie the MCLR pin through a resistor (1k to
10 k
Ω) to VDD. This will eliminate external RC compo-
nents usually needed to create a Power-on Reset
delay. A minimum rise rate for VDD is specified
(parameter D004). For a slow rise time, see
Figure 4-2.When the device starts normal operation (i.e., exits the
Reset condition), device operating parameters (volt-
age, frequency, temperature, etc.) must be met to
ensure operation. If these conditions are not met, the
device must be held in Reset until the operating
conditions are met.
Power-up Timer (PWRT)
The Power-up Timer (PWRT) of the PIC18F2X20/4X20
devices is an 11-bit counter, which uses the INTRC
source as the clock input. This yields a count of
2048 x 32
μs = 65.6 ms. While the PWRT is counting,
the device is held in Reset.
The power-up time delay depends on the INTRC clock
and will vary from chip-to-chip due to temperature and
process variation. See DC parameter #33 for details.
The PWRT is enabled by clearing Configuration bit,
Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST)
The Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST) provides a
1024 oscillator cycle (from OSC1 input) delay after the
PWRT delay is over (parameter #33). This ensures that
the crystal oscillator or resonator has started and
The OST time-out is invoked only for XT, LP, HS and
HSPLL modes and only on Power-on Reset, or on exit
from most power-managed modes.
PLL Lock Time-out
With the PLL enabled in its PLL mode, the time-out
sequence following a Power-on Reset is slightly
different from other oscillator modes. A portion of the
Power-up Timer is used to provide a fixed time-out that
is sufficient for the PLL to lock to the main oscillator fre-
quency. This PLL lock time-out (TPLL) is typically 2 ms
and follows the oscillator start-up time-out.
Brown-out Reset (BOR)
A Configuration bit, BOREN, can disable (if clear/
programmed) or enable (if set) the Brown-out Reset cir-
cuitry. If VDD falls below VBOR (parameter D005) for
greater than TBOR (parameter #35), the brown-out situ-
ation will reset the chip. A Reset may not occur if VDD
falls below VBOR for less than TBOR. The chip will
remain in Brown-out Reset until VDD rises above VBOR.
If the Power-up Timer is enabled, it will be invoked after
VDD rises above VBOR; it then will keep the chip in
Reset for an additional time delay TPWRT (parameter
#33). If VDD drops below VBOR while the Power-up
Timer is running, the chip will go back into a Brown-out
Reset and the Power-up Timer will be initialized. Once
VDD rises above VBOR, the Power-up Timer will execute
the additional time delay. Enabling BOR Reset does
not automatically enable the PWRT.
Time-out Sequence
On power-up, the time-out sequence is as follows:
First, after the POR pulse has cleared, PWRT time-out
is invoked (if enabled). Then, the OST is activated. The
total time-out will vary based on oscillator configuration
and the status of the PWRT. For example, in RC mode
with the PWRT disabled, there will be no time-out at all.
Since the time-outs occur from the POR pulse, if MCLR
is kept low long enough, all time-outs will expire. Bring-
ing MCLR high will begin execution immediately
(Figure 4-5). This is useful for testing purposes or to
synchronize more than one PIC18FXXXX device
operating in parallel.
Table 4-2 shows the Reset conditions for some Special
Function Registers, while
Table 4-3 shows the Reset
conditions for all the registers.
Note 1: External
required only if the VDD power-up slope is
too slow. The diode D helps discharge the
capacitor quickly when VDD powers down.
2: R < 40 k
Ω is recommended to make sure
that the voltage drop across R does not
violate the device’s electrical specification.
3: R1
≥ 1 kΩ will limit any current flowing into
MCLR from external capacitor C, in the
event of MCLR/VPP pin breakdown, due to
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) or Electrical
Overstress (EOS).