1996 Microchip Technology Inc.
DS30412C-page 235
Microchip provides two methods of on-line support.
These are the Microchip BBS and the Microchip World
Wide Web (WWW) site.
Use Microchip's Bulletin Board Service (BBS) to get
current information and help about Microchip products.
Microchip provides the BBS communication channel for
you to use in extending your technical staff with micro-
controller and memory experts.
To provide you with the most responsive service possible,
the Microchip systems team monitors the BBS, posts
the latest component data and software tool updates,
provides technical help and embedded systems
insights, and discusses how Microchip products pro-
vide project solutions.
The web site, like the BBS, is used by Microchip as a
means to make les and information easily available to
customers. To view the site, the user must have access
to the Internet and a web browser, such as Netscape or
Microsoft Explorer. Files are also available for FTP
download from our FTP site.
Connecting to the Microchip InternetWeb Site
The Microchip web site is available by using your
favorite Internet browser to attach to:
The le transfer site is available by using an FTP ser-
vice to connect to:
The web site and le transfer site provide a variety of
services. Users may download les for the latest
Development Tools, Data Sheets, Application Notes,
User's Guides, Articles and Sample Programs. A vari-
ety of Microchip specic business information is also
available, including listings of Microchip sales ofces,
distributors and factory representatives. Other data
available for consideration is:
Latest Microchip Press Releases
Technical Support Section with Frequently Asked
Design Tips
Device Errata
Job Postings
Microchip Consultant Program Member Listing
Links to other useful web sites related to
Microchip Products
Connecting to the Microchip BBS
Connect worldwide to the Microchip BBS using either
the Internet or the CompuServe communications net-
You can telnet or ftp to the Microchip BBS at the
CompuServe Communications Network:
When using the BBS via the Compuserve Network,
in most cases, a local call is your only expense.
The Microchip BBS connection does not use CompuServe
membership services, therefore you do not need
CompuServe membership to join Microchip's BBS.
There is no charge for connecting to the Microchip BBS.
The procedure to connect will vary slightly from country
to country. Please check with your local CompuServe
agent for details if you have a problem. CompuServe
service allow multiple users various baud rates
depending on the local point of access.
The following connect procedure applies in most loca-
1. Set your modem to 8-bit, No parity, and One stop
(8N1). This is not the normal CompuServe setting
which is 7E1.
2. Dial your local CompuServe access number.
3. Depress the <Enter> key and a garbage string will
appear because CompuServe is expecting a 7E1
4. Type +, depress the <Enter> key and “Host Name:”
will appear.
5. Type MCHIPBBS, depress the <Enter> key and you
will be connected to the Microchip BBS.
In the United States, to nd the CompuServe phone
number closest to you, set your modem to 7E1 and dial
(800) 848-4480 for 300-2400 baud or (800) 331-7166
for 9600-14400 baud connection. After the system
responds with “Host Name:”, type NETWORK, depress
the <Enter> key and follow CompuServe's directions.
For voice information (or calling from overseas), you
may call (614) 723-1550 for your local CompuServe
Microchip regularly uses the Microchip BBS to distribute
technical information, application notes, source code,
errata sheets, bug reports, and interim patches for
Microchip systems software products. For each SIG, a
moderator monitors, scans, and approves or disap-
proves les submitted to the SIG. No executable les
are accepted from the user community in general to
limit the spread of computer viruses.
Systems Information and Upgrade Hot Line
The Systems Information and Upgrade Line provides
system users a listing of the latest versions of all of
Microchip's development systems software products.
Plus, this line provides information on how customers
can receive any currently available upgrade kits.The
Hot Line Numbers are:
1-800-755-2345 for U.S. and most of Canada, and
1-602-786-7302 for the rest of the world.
Trademarks: The Microchip name, logo, PIC, PICSTART,
PICMASTER and PRO MATE are registered trademarks of
Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other
countries. FlexROM, MPLAB and fuzzyLAB, are trade-
marks and SQTP is a service mark of Microchip in the
fuzzyTECH is a registered trademark of Inform Software
Corporation. IBM, IBM PC-AT are registered trademarks of
International Business Machines Corp. Pentium is a trade-
mark of Intel Corporation. Windows is a trademark and
MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows are registered trademarks
of Microsoft Corporation. CompuServe is a registered
trademark of CompuServe Incorporated.
All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of
their respective companies.
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